what happens when 21 year old Naomi run into a rude racist guy in dunkin donuts and happens to fall for him....... well you'll just have to read to find out -bwwm-
Jase and Dejuan arrive at Amber's house thirty minutes later. Jase, Dejuan, and Imari got out the car while Darren got out of his. Darren walks over to them. "So who's house is this?" Ask Darren as he pulls out his phone. "She's a friend mine, me and Dejuan went to school with." Said Jase as they walk up the walkway. "Oh." Said Darren as he text on his phone. "So what kind of dogs are these that y'all getting?" Ask Darren still texting. "They're King Charles Spaniel dogs well puppies right now." Said Jase as he knocks on the door. They waited a few minutes someone was opening the door. A redhead with a peach spring dress on that stop just above her knees with white flats on her feet. She saw that it was Jase. "Jase! Your here oh wow your still just as cute oh wow and Dejuan here too hi." Said the redhead as she hugs Jase then Dejuan. "Hey Amber." They say back. "Well come on in let's go see the last two puppies." Said Amber as she walks in the house. Jase and everyone follows behind her. "So are both puppies boys?" Ask Jase as they walked down a hall. "Nope one boy and one girl." Said Amber as they walk in a room and there were two little puppies lying on the couch.
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"Aww which one are you getting Jase?" Ask Imari. "Hm why don't you chose bud." Said Jase. Imari face light up. "Okay!" He said as he ran to the white and brown one. "This one." Said Imari holding the little pup up. Everyone started laughing. "Your brother is sooo cute Jase." Said Amber as she touch his chest. "Uh thanks." Said Jase. Dejuan rolled his eyes. "Well guess I got the other one which is much cuter by the way." Said Dejuan as he picks up his puppy. "Shut up." Said Jase they walk in the living room. "Hey Jase your puppy a boy." Said Imari with a smile. "So I got the cuter puppy and she's a girl even better." Said Dejuan as he rubs her behind the ears. "What kind of dogs are these again?" Ask Darren. "King Charles Spaniel. They are just the cutest ain't they Jase." Said Amber holding on to his arm. "Pfft thirsty much." Whisper Darren and nudge him in his side. "What was that?" Said Amber. "Oh nothing these are some cute dogs." Said Darren as he started to text on his phone. "Um so how much for the puppies?" Ask Jase as he tried to free his arm from her death grip. Dejuan started to chuckle and Jase sent him a look. She let his arm go. "Oh yea, follow me so I can get y'all the paperwork. It's $200.00 for the male and $250.00 for the female." Said Amber as she smiles up at Jase. "Um okay then." Said Jase. So after they finish the paperwork they were walking out when Amber stop Jase. "Y'all go ahead." Said Jase. "Amber you want some water you looking pretty thirsty?" Ask Darren. "Huh!?" Ask Amber. "Nevermind him, let's go." Said Dejuan as he drags away a laughing Darren. "Uh so it was really good seeing you again." Said Amber as she moves closer."Yeah it was, you look great by the way I like your longer." Said Jase with a smile. Amber smiles and touch her hair. "Really thanks Jase. You look great too." Said Amber touching his arm. Jase chuckles. "Thanks I try to- before he could finish she kissed him. He was shocked to say the least but he kissed back I mean she was hot. After a minute of kissing Amber finally pulled away. "Wow been wanting to do that since freshmen year." She laugh out. "Wow really well glad you waited." Said Jase with a chuckle as he rubs the back of his neck. Amber blushes and rubs her arms. "Yeah well I'll let you go, but call me sometime I can come visit one day." She said as she kissed his cheek. "Uh yeah I'll do that." Said Jase as he left. When he got outside he sees Dejuan hands Darren some money and walks over there to them. "Where's Imari in the car?" Ask Jase. "Yeah I help him in the car." Said Darren as he got in his car. "Okay thanks. You ready?" Ask Jase. "Yeah but imma ride with Darren since he complaining about Oreo." Said Dejuan with a face. "Okay wait who's Oreo?" Ask Jase. Dejuan held up his puppy and Jase made an Oh face. "Okay that's cool." Said Jase as he got in his car. "Come on your brat." Said Dejuan as he got in Darren's car. "Shut up just make sure that rat don't mess up my seats and shit." Said Darren as he started his car. Dejuan flips him and they both started laughing. "Did you tell Jase you lost the bet?" Ask Darren as they pulled off. "No I'm pretty sure he knew she was thirsty." Said Dejuan as he laid back to go to sleep. Five hours later and Dejuan was driving while Darren was in the passenger seat holding Oreo whole listening to music. "So how long have you and Ebony been hooking up?" Ask Dejuan as he made the quotation marks with his hands with his eyes still on the road. Darren looks at him and raise a brow. "Hooking up really." Said Darren and Dejuan looks at him real quick and then back to the road. "Okay how long y'all two been fucking?" Said Dejuan as Darren glared at him. "Dude really your pushing." Said Darren. "What I try the nice approach." Said Dejuan. "Oh that was the nice approach sound just like dad." Said Darren and Dejuan made a face. "And to answer your question three years. Well I wouldn't say hooking up because we're in a relationship we just started having sex three months ago." Said Darren with a smile. "Wait y'all was saying for three years and no one knew?" Ask Dejuan. "Yeah I didn't even tell Jorden but he knows now." Said Darren. "Wow thought y'all were best friends." Said Dejuan. "We were I mean we still are it's just I love Ebony and if she didn't want people to know then they didn't. Jorden understand and he stands behind me and that's all I could ask for from a best friend." Said Darren as he rubs Oreo. "Okay then I'm not questioning it." Said Dejuan. "I mean it's not like we was having sex like rabbits. She only lost her virginity three months ago. I don't see what the big problem is." Said Darren as he rest his chin in his hand. "Oh so you were her first?" Ask Dejuan. Darren nod his head yes with a huge smile on his face. "Who's problem are you talking about?" Ask Dejuan looking at Darren then back at the road. "Oh pa, Mr. and Mrs. Blake, Ebony' s grandparents, members of the church. I mean I know the problem was she got pregnant and yea we're young and yea I get that we're still in high school, we don't have our own place, or that we're not married. But damn the things that they say to her not pa but more say of her family, saying she a slut, whore, trampand shit like that. They know damn well she is none of that they make her cry and it pisses me off because I love her and I don't like to see her cry, sad, or in pain. But her family think I'm to immature or whatever because of my parents. Fucking judging me before they even know me. I got two jobs so I can support us and so she can focus on school and not have to stress to much about anything I even started to look for apartments colleges that have daycare. And its not like I'm not going to marry her because I am she going to be my wife one day. But until then I mean fuck I'm trying and they make it sound like I some fuck up that don't take responsibly shit." Said Darren as he clench his fist. "Hey there calm down I get it your upset. Everybody just wanna make sure you can handle it. I mean shit a baby is a lot of responsible." Said Dejuan as he switch lanes. "Shit you think I know that it will be hard to juggle a baby, school, and two jobs, and I know its going to get very stressful, but I want this baby and I want Ebony." Said Darren as he lean his head back on his seat. "Well damn lil bro well I'm on your side." Said Dejuan as he punch his brother in the arm. "Ow what was that for, and I figure I'll come visit you and enjoy my last time as a kid." Said Darren rubbing his arm. "Because I'm your older brother, because you should of been smart when having sex, and third because I'm proud of you." Said Dejuan. Darren punch him back. "I was smart, how was I suppose to know the condom will break." Said Darren. "That kind of hurt I see you still box." Said Dejuan as he pass Jase and gave him the finger. "Yeah I did, but I stop so I could get another job. So why you flip off Jase?" Ask Darren as he pulls out his phone. "Oh okay guess that was a good idea. He was driving too slow I'm trying to get home." Said Dejuan. Darren just shakes his head as he gets on his phone. "Hey baby what's up?" Ask Darren as he answers his phone.
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