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Naomi and Janeka were sitting on the couch while Destiny Shaunta's daughter sitting on the floor playing with her blocks when there was a knock at the door. "I'll get it." Said Naomi as she got up. She walks to the door and open it, it was her parents and Nadia. "Mommy and daddy!" Said Naomi as she gave them a hug. "What am I chop liver." Said Nadia with her little hand on her hip. They laugh as they walk in the house. "Who was it?" Ask Janeka from the living room. "Come find out girl." Said Alain. "Is that pop Kingston?" Ask Janeka as she walks into the hall. "Yes it is." Said Alain as he gives her a hug. Janeka then gives Sherece a hug and Nadia. They walk into the living room to sit and talk. "Is that Destiny wow she gotten big." Said Sherece as she picks up Destiny. "Yea I know right." Said Naomi. "How old are you now?" Ask Sherece. "Imz dis many." Said Destiny holding up three fingers. "Aww now she is just to adorable." Said Sherece as she puts her down. "Hey what about me." Said Nadia with her arms crossed and a pout. Sherece just laugh. "Yes baby you are too." Said Sherece as Nadia smile. An hour later and they still was talking. "Okay we better get going if we going to hit the road before it start getting dark. Come give me a hug baby girl." Said Alain as Nadia and Naomi came up and gave him a hug. "Oh yeah because I hate driving in the dark especially on the highway and we got a thirteen hour drive." Said Sherece as she stood up. "Okay well thanks for driving up here." Said Naomi as she hugs her mother. "Oh no problem baby but you driving Nadia back." Said Sherece as she kissed her daughter. They started laughing. "I know, I'll have Janeka or Shaunta or both drive with me." Said Naomi as she walks them to the door. "Oh okay. Where is Shaunta anyway?" Ask Alain as they walk outside. "Oh she's at work." Said Naomi. "Oh okay always working that one." Said Alain as Naomi nod her head. "Janeka don't but that girl everything she sees!" Yelled Sherece into the house. "I won't just half!" Yelled Janeka as Alain and Naomi started laughing. They stop when they see Sherece face. Alain clears his throat. "Well baby girl we're going love you." Said Alain as he opens his wife door for her. Naomi started laughing. "Okay love y'all have a safe drive back, call me y'all get home thirteen hours from now." Said Naomi as her dad got in the car and started it. "Okay sweetie." Said Sherece as they pulled off. Once they was out of sight she went back in the house. "Okay girls ready for the best spring break week ever!" Shouted Naomi. "Yeah!" Shouted the girls.


"Let it go, let it go Can't hold back anymore! Let it go, let it go Turn away and slam the door I don't care what they're going to say let the storm rage on! The cold never bothered me anyway!" Sang Janeka as she dance around. Me, Nadia, and Destiny were on our backs laughing at her. After her song was over Janeka stop dancing. "Okay who's next?" Ask Janeka waving the microphone. "Oh me." Said Nadia as she ran up. She puts on the song and waits for the song and lyrics to appear and she start. "Look at this stuff isn't it neat? Wouldn't you think my collection's complete? Wouldn't think I'm the girl. The girl who has everything? Look at this trove treasure until How many wonders can one cavern hold? Looking around here you think sure, she got everything I've got cadets and gizmos a - plenty I've got whozits and whatzits galore you want things above? I've got twenty!" Sang Nadia as shrugs her shoulder and we laugh. "But who cares? No big deal I want more!" She sang as he spins around with her arms outstretched. "I wanna be where the people are I wanna see, wanna see them dancing walking around on those- what do you call ' em? Oh- feet!" Sang Nadia as she touches Destiny's toes and she giggles. "Flippin' your fins, you don't get too for legs e required for jumping, dancing strolling along down a- what's that word again?" Sang Nadia  and turns the mic to us. "Street!" We sang. "Nadia has a really good voice." Said Janeka and I nod my head. "Up where they walk, Up where they run, Up where they stay all day in the sun Wanderin' free - wish I could be part of that world." Sang Nadia just then the door opens. "Who's singing my favorite song?" Ask Shaunta as she walks in the living room. "Momma me miss you." Said Destiny as she ran to her. "Hi baby and its I miss you." Said Shaunta. "I miss you too." Said Destiny as Shaunta laugh and kiss her on the lips and place her down. "Hey Nadia wow you getting big." Said Shaunta as she goes over to her. "Hey Shaunta, and I know right before you know it I'll be a teen." Said Nadia as she hugs Shaunta. This girl is a mess. "Oh well don't let me stop the party I'm going to hop in the shower and then I'm joining this party." Said Shaunta as she ran upstairs. We laugh and get back to singing. Four hours later we was all in the kitchen making cookies, cakes, and brownies laughing and talking. After we finish and put them in the oven we go into the living room to watch movies. "So what movie do you guys wanna watch?" I ask. "Oh let's watch lion king." Said Janeka. "No the little mermaid." Said Nadia. "Can we please wash princeess and the fog pwease!" Ask Destiny. "Awe now how could I say no to that." Said Nadia as she hugs Destiny. I shake my head she to grown sometimes. Janeka and Shaunta start laughing. "Okay princess and the frog it is." I say as I put on the movie. I sat down on my beanie and got into one of favorite movies. Forty minutes later our goodies was done baking we got our goodies and came back in the living room. I put on the next movie which was the little mermaid. Four hours later. "Right hand green." Said Janeka. Shaunta reach her hand and touch the green. "Okay left foot red." Said Janeka. I and Nadia reach our feet out for the red I slip and bring everyone down on top of me. Janeka and everyone else started laughing. "Ha ha very funny now get off." I said as they start getting up. "One more game." Said Nadia. "Sorry its 11pm Dia and I'm getting tired." I said as she pouts. "Hey we got tomorrow and the rest of the week okay." I said and she smile. "Oh yea I forgot. Come on Des let's go to bed." Said Nadia as she takes Destiny's hand. "Otay otay bed dime." Said Destiny as they go upstairs and we laugh. I sit on the couch next to Janeka and let out a big sigh. "Man I'm tired." Said Janeka. "Me too." Said Shaunta. "Me three, let's just rest our eyes for a bit." I said as I close my eyes. "Okay." They said and I guess they do the same. I felt like my eyes close for a second before I hear my phone going off. I groan and answer it. "Hello." I say with sleep in my voice. "Hey sweetie sorry to wake you just wanted to let you know we made it home safe." Said my mom. "Wow that was fast y'all made it around eleven." I said rubbing the sleep from my eyes. She started laughing what's so funny I wonder. "Child its 2:30am." Said my mom. I sat up and look to each side of me and see Janeka and Shaunta still sleep. "Wow didn't know I fell asleep." I said. "Oh well I'm going love y'all." Said my mom and she hangs up. I stand up and stretch and then I wake up Janeka and Shaunta and we go upstairs to go to bed.


We pull up to my house around 4:30am I put my head on the steering wheel and let out a sigh. I reach in the back and shake Darren to wake up. "Ugh I'm up is it my turn to drive again?" Ask Darren as he rubs the sleep out his eyes. I chuckle. "No we're here come on." I say as I grab Oreo and get out. Darren gets out too. Jase and his brother and his pup get out his car. "Y'all crashing here and then drive to your place?" I ask and he says yes. So we go in the house. I go to my room and strip out my clothes until I'm just in boxers and crash on my bed. I send Janeka a text letting her know I'm home. I'm bout to close my eyes when my phone ping. Its a text from Janeka. FUTURE BABYMA😉: ITS BOUT TIME I WAS STARTED TO WORRY😓. I laugh at her reply and then reply back. ME: LOL DIDN'T KNOW YOU CARE SO MUCH😄." I reply and she reply back. FUTURE BABYMA😉: I DON'T😑.... She reply back. FUTURE BABYMA😉: MAYBE I CARE A LIL😶. NOW GO TO BED😡. I smile at her text and then reply. ME: Okay tiger😙. I reply and then I lay my head on my pillow and I'm out before I know it

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% here another chapter for y'all to enjoy so please let me know what y'all think of this chapter so again please VOTE, COMMENT, AND SHARE......thank you guys very much for reading

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