what happens when 21 year old Naomi run into a rude racist guy in dunkin donuts and happens to fall for him....... well you'll just have to read to find out -bwwm-
JANEKAPOV: "I still can't believe you didn't tell me until now. Well no you didn't really tell me because you was talking to mom." Said Naomi. I sigh and roll my eyes. "Because it was just a slap I'm over it, plus it was two weeks ago." I said. "It was not because you had a bruise on your cheek and you said because of Tina. You lied to me Janeka and I tell you everything." Said Naomi with her arms crossed and her lip pouted. I sigh. "I'm sorry Mi I didn't tell you because I was ashamed okay because I said if a man ever put his hands on me I would fuck him up. But that's it I didn't Naomi I ran like a scared little girl yea I told him of and push him but I was scared as shit." I said with my head down. "I wouldn't of think you was a punk or anything we're best friends so that's why I'm upset you lied to me." Said Naomi as she gave me a hug."I know and I'm sorry about that, so can we let it go now?" I ask. "Fine, but don't do it again." She said as she went back to the TV. I smile and went back to the TV too. ~time skiptowednesday.~ I was at work in my office typing when there was a knock on the door. "Come in." I said. In walked Jenna a co-worker and friend.
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"Hey Jenna what's up?" I ask. "Hey Janeka Brian wants you." She said. "Okay thanks Jenna." I said as I got up. "No problem." She said as we left my office. "Where is Brian anyway?" I ask as we walk down the hall. "He's in the lab." Said Jenna as she turn down a different hallway. "Thanks." I called out and walk down the hall to the lab. I walk into the lab and Brian was sitting at a lab table in his lab coat looking threw a microscope. "Hey Brian you wanted to see me?" I ask. He looks up from his microscope and smile at me and I smile back. Brian is Avery sexy man, he's half black and white with perfectly smooth tan skin that girls would kill for. With green/blue eyes and kissable lips with a nice shape up with deep wave curls you can go surfing on. He was built and stood about 6.0 or 6.1 and if he wasn't my boss and married with three kids I would hop on that ASAP but sadly I can- "Janeka are you listening?" Ask Brian. "Huh oh sorry about that what were you saying?" I ask blushing from being caught checking out my boss. But come on the man is 32 and sexy ass hell. He started laughing. "Thanks, but I was saying that some new Algae came in." Said Brian as he points to the table. I blush harder did I say that out loud. "Oh cool let me get my lab coat." I say as he nod his head and turn back to his microscope. I walk over to the lab coat rack and grab mine and walk over to the Algae and sit next to Brian and grab my microscope and put the algae in a glass slide and put the slide in the microscope slide holder and started studying it. Twenty minutes into studying and Brian says. "So Trish is pregnant again." I look at and he has a huge smile on his face. I smile because he just got one of those smiles. "I thought Trish said she wasn't having another until Johnny was five." I said turning back to the Algae. "Yeah well things happen and by that I mean me." He said so cocky. I rolled my eyes at him and I swear sometimes he act like a teenager. "So I take it your sleeping on the couch?" I ask with a smirk. He sigh. "Yeah and for a whole week I swear black women are so." Brian stops and look at me. "No go on I'm curious what are we?" I ask. "I wasn't going to say something crazy I was going to say so damn stubborn." Brian said with his hands in the air. "Yeah okay and so Trish has every right to put you on the couch y'all already have THREE kids." I said. "I know but I want a girl plus if she just be a housewife like my mom she wouldn't have to worry." Brian said switching to look at some fish bone. "Trish is not your mom." I said. "Trish said the same thing." Said Brian. "Plus Brian no offense your mom is white." I said. "Yea so that has nothing to do with it there are black women who are housewives." Said Brian. "Yeah but white women are more likely to be housewives then black women and I'm not saying it's wrong or anything." I said as I label the algae I just finish. I grab so fish fossils and put them in the holder and start looking at it. "Well is it so wrong I don't want my wife to have to get up early and get off late and tired. Is it wrong that I want to take care of my wife to spoil her like a baby to make her feel like a queen. Is it wrong that I want to do all the work for her so she don't have to so that the only work she is doing is helping the kids with their homework. Is it so wrong that I don't want her have to deal with day in and day out stress and work hours." Ask Brian looking at me with a small smile. I smile at him. "No it isn't, maybe you should tell Trish what you told me." I said. "Yeah I guess your right I should tell her how I feel." He said returning to his work. "Oh yeah and congrads on the new baby boss man." I said with a huge smile and he smiles just as big. "Thanks Janeka." He said. After hours of studying algae and different fish bones and fossils it was time for lunch and I couldn't wait to get to my office. Once I reach it I grab my purse, and glasses and walked out. I was walking down the hall when Jenna called me. "What's up Jenna." I said as I put on my glasses. "Nothing wanted to know where you was going for lunch." She said. "Oh to the pizza shop I want a philly cheese steak pizza you wanna come?" I ask. "Yeah that philly cheese steak sounds good." Said Jenna. "Okay then let's go let me school you on some good food white girl." I said with a laugh. She started laughing too. "But wait I'm Russian." She said. I started laughing. "Come on girl." I said as I link arms with her and we go to my car. ~skip toshop.~"So are your friends still down?" Ask Jenna as she took a bite of her philly pizza with extra Pepperoni's. That is so fat I don't know how she stay so skinny. "I'm just going to throw it up later." Said Jenna with a wavy of her hand. "W What!" I said chocking on my soda and looking at her shocked. "I'm kidding." She said laughing. "Uh yeah funny." I said giving a light laugh. "Um but no its just Yasmin, Zoe left this morning I drop her off at the airport and Tia went back Sunday Desta picked her up." I said as I took a bite of my pizza. "Oh okay um don't look now but this sexy ass guy been checking you out for a minute now." Said Jenna taking a sip of her drink. "What. Are you serious?" I ask. She nod her head. So I turn around casually and sure nuff there the guy staring hard wait I know him that's Ray. He smirks and tap someone on the shoulder and the person turns to him. "Do you know Janeka?" Ask Jenna but I ignored for right now. As Ray whisper something to the guy and they look at me and its shit Dejuan. I quickly turn around to face Jenna confused face. "Oooh who's the sexy ass white guy?" Ask Jenna as she licks her lips. I shake my head at her. "Why hello Janeka." Said Dejuan deep voice. "H Hey Dejuan." I said looking at him. And of course he's smirking. "Y'all know each other?" Ask Jenna. Looking back and forth between us. "Uh yea. Jenna this is Dejuan and Ray. Ray and Dejuan this is Jenna co-worker and friend." I said. They say hello to each other and then Dejuan turns to Jenna. "Do you mind if I steal her for a minute or two please?" He ask. I had a dumbfound look on my face because he going ask her like she going to say yes. "Yeah sure I don't mind." She said with a wavy of her hand. I look at her. "What you know him right?" She ask. "Yeah." I said as I get up. "I'll be back." I said. "And I'll keep her company until you come back." Said Ray with a smirk. I just glared at him. This isallhisfaultinthefirst place I think to myself as I follow Dejuan outside.