Why Are You Here?

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🌟Dipper's POV:
"Dipper Have you found Bill?" Uncle Ford asked
"I uhhhhhh.... N-no not yet.."
"Ok well.. Be careful he could be anywhere.." Uncle Ford said
"Y-yeah.. No kidding" Uncle Ford left and I let out a sigh "It's clear.. Come on out"
"Your a horrible liar Pine Tree.." Bill said
"Thank.." I scuffed "So why are you human again?" I asked
"Well technically human form.." He said, his eyes started glowing bright yellow, he held out his hand, in which a bright blue flame emerged form. "My powers are limited now.. But still stronger then some Demons in their physical form" he said
"Great! So you can still kill me.." I said sarcastically
"Oh easily.." Bill said chuckling "But don't worry.. I'm not interested in harming you Pine Tree" he said
"So why human form?"
"Well here's the truth.. After you and Shooting Star defeating me once again, I returned to the Nightmare Realm.. Not only had I violated countless rules, and broke many contracts to create Weirdmageddon but I'd also committed quite a few crimes.. Anyway basically long story short, I was banished here.."
"Yeah Pine Tree banished.. It means: to compel to depart; send, drive, or put aw-"
"I know what banished means!!!" I shouted
"Sorry.." Bill sounded almost hurt, was that genuine.. Or is he just a good actor.. I can't trust him, but I guess I can at least hear him out.
"So your stuck here?" I asked
"Yep! Stuck here in an immortal body with limited powers" he said
I looked at the wall. This was not going how I would have expected. I started thinking. 'Does this mean he'll stay around for a while? Will he act like a normal person? Would he actually be nice to me?! Could I actually be friends Bill Cipher? Or maybe more?" I shook my head 'No stop it Dipper! Be careful he can ready your thoughts' I turned my head slightly and meet a pair of bright yellow eyes, inches from mine, "Ahhh" I jumped back, as Bill smirked, "What was that for?! Personal space Bill!" I said. Bill laughed
"You spaced out there Pine Tree" he said
"Yeah I guess so.. I'm tried.. I'm going to bed.. you can stay here but make sure to stay hidden.. Don't let any see you" I told him, grabbing a pillow and driving on to the bed in my room.
"K I'll just hide in the shadows and watch you sleep like a creeper" Bill said
"Whatever! Just whatever you do.. Stay out of my dreams Bill!" I said
"Kk night Pine Tree"
"Night Bill"

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