All I See Is You

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🌟Bill's POV:
"When you say like...."
I leaned closer to Pine Tree, I place my hands on his cheek. He tenses up out of shock, but I've already started this, I can't stop now. I smile softly, and start moving in. I press my lips against Pine Tree's. He tenses even more, complete shocked, but as I kiss him, he loosens up and kisses me back. When we pulled apart I simply said.
"I've never felt this way before..."
"Bill please don't joke around about this.. Human emotions are very fragile.. Please tell this isn't a jok-" I cut him off by grabbing his face, with more force this time but still handling him gently, I kissed him again. Slowly and sweetly, he moves his lips with mine, and I smirk against his lips, I wrap my hands around him, pulling him closer. Pine Tree, wraps his hands around the back of my neck, and I deepen the kiss. I trace his bottom lip with my tongue and he parts his lips, granting my access. I slip my tongue into his mouth. His tongue meets mine, and we battle for dominance, which I win easily of course. My tongue explores his mouth, and his does the same. I could have gone on like this forever, but Pine Tree starts panting, and pulls back.
"B-Bill..." He pants.
"I love you Dipper" I said smiling.
Pine Tree, silently gasped, he looks up and gapes at me. "Yo-You said my.. Name.." He stuttered.
I chuckled, "Don't get use to it you'll always be Pine Tree to me" I laughed. He laughed to, and leaned his head on my shoulder.
"I love you too Bill" he said, I kiss the top of his head.

🌟Dipper's POV:
We sat there by the pond all morning and all afternoon. We just talked for hours, until the sun began to set. Bill hand his hand around my waist and I rested my head on his shoulder.
"Bill do you think we could ever work out?" I asked
"What do you mean Pine Tree?" He asked
"I mean like.. Your a demon.. And I'm a human.. Wouldn't it not work.. I mean after you live forever... And I age everyday.. I'll grow old.. And die one day.."
Bill chuckled, "We'll figure something out.." He said.
"Wh-" I was cut off by Bill.
"Look!" He points into the sky, filled with stars. "It's the Big Dipper" he said.
"And the Little Dipper.." I said pointed.
Bill chuckled "Which one are you?" Bill asked
"Neither.." I smirked "I'm the Amazing Dipper" I laughed.
Bill laughed too, and turned to place me.. He ran his fingers through my hair, and smiled. Bill pressed his lips to my forehead and kissed me sweetly.
"A sky full of constellations, and all I see is you" he said.

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