Mabel on the case

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🌟Mabel's POV:
I was starting to get really worried about Dipper, he got an apartment in Gravity Falls, less then 3 months after we came back. This is very odd because we came back for the summer to spend time with our Gruncle Stan and Great Uncle Ford. Him running off and getting an apartment totally defeated that purpose, not to mention Dipper has over 10 high ranking colleges offering him the best scholarships available, their practically begging Dipper to go to them and seem to be fighting over who gets Dipper's genius mind. Dipper said he changed his mind and wanted to live here instead, but I know my brother, and I know better then that. Dipper has been dreaming of College since kindergarten. He's practically been preparing for it since he was seven. I know Dipper wouldn't toss everything he's worked so hard for out the window like yesterday's news. I know something must be up I know it. Sorry Bro-Bro you've left me no choice, I will find out what's going on. Mabel's on the case.
"Come on Waddles let's solve this case!" I said. Waddles nodded and oinked "Do you think we watch to much Duckteckive?" I ask. Waddles shook his head and squealed. "Yeah your right, you can never have to much Duckteckive! Ok let's go!" Waddles and I made our way to Dipper's apartment ready to find answers. I happily skipped to the door.
"BRO-BRO!!!" I called.
I hear a sound of tumbling around like someone running around in a circle or something, it was followed by a crash and sounded like something fell over. Confused and curious I listens more closely, I could hear someone talking, it was quite and I couldn't make out anything that was being said. Did I have right Apartment? Then I hear Dipper's voice, it was too quiet for me to hear anything he said but it was his voice not doubt.
"Dipper???" I asked.
More sounds like tapping and clattering like someone scrambling and then I hear his voice.
"Just a second Mabel!" Few more seconds and I hear another small crash, then scampering, like someone making their way to the door, finally. The door opens and Dipper leans forward, holding tightly to the door knob as if to hold himself up, he was panting like he just ran a marathon. I raised an eyebrow at him and tilted my head slightly to the side.
"What's... Going on in here???" I asked suspiciously and looked around the apartment it was pretty empty. Dipper smiled at me showing his teeth and squinting his eyes, pushing up his cheeks. That 'What's up sis? Nothings going on in here what are you talking about?' Smile, totally guilty. He was up to something, or something was going on, I just knew it. I remembered I heard a second voice in here before Dipper opened the door, but now all I see is Dipper and I. As I slowly walked inside, began to scan the apartment.
"So what's up Dipping Sauce? Haven't heard from you in a while, it's kinda lonely at the Shack without you.." The kitchen was small, with a tiny stove, a old white refrigerator that had turned yellow, a microwave, very little counter space with a few small drawers and cabinets that knowing Dipper were probably close to completely empty, and a small card table, with.. Two chairs?
"Oh well I.. Um.. I wanted to start c-conducting my own research on... Gravity Falls like Uncle Ford so.." He stuttered.
"Yeah I know you said that.. But I mean.. What's up? What have you found?" I asked sitting on the sofa. I continued to let my eyes wonder about the apartment. The living room area, consisted of a small sofa I was now sitting on, a small TV, and a bookshelf filled with books. There was a coffee table in front of the sofa, which was scattered with books and papers, all kinds of notes, and work only he'd understand, a coffee mug held chewed up pens of various colors and a few pencils.
"Oh well I.. Uh... Found this.. Little uh.. B-Blue creature.." He struggled to say.
"Blue creature huh?" I said not believing it for a second, I continued to scan the room as Dipper struggled to explain this 'Blue Creature' There wasn't much in Dipper's apartment it was mostly empty. "Y-Yeah.. It uh.. Has teeth a-and claws and.. It sings this song an-" I cut him off when I noticed something I'm surprised I didn't before.
"Since when do you play piano?" I asked pointing to the largest object in the whole place, in the corner of the living room, right before the opening to the kitchen. A large, shiny Golden piano.
"I uhhhh..." Dipper had no answer to that.
"Who else is living here Dipper?!" I finally asked.
"Wh-what.." Dipper gaped, looking very nervous, making that 'Pffft' sound he stuttered. "N-no one"
"Dipper!!!" I shouted impatiently. "I know you better then that! Who else lives here!?!" I asked eagerly.
Dipper didn't have time to answer because suddenly, a door opened, and out walked a tall guy, with sun yellow hair, and dark roots. His eyes were the same color as his hair, and seemed to almost glow. He ware a bright yellow long coat with a brick like pattern along the bottom. The inside of his trench coat was black, he ware black skinny jeans and black heeled boots. Under the coat was a white button up collared shirts, and around his neck he ware a black bow tie. On his head he was warring a black top hat, he looked so familiar, yet I couldn't place it at first. The way he smirked mysteriously was almost creepy, but seemed like I'd seen it before. He chuckled and I just knew I'd heard that laugh before before, a very distinct laugh, one I should recognize anywhere. I tried to place it wondering why I could quite get it, I know this guy from somewhere.. I thought.. Until....
"Hey Shooting Star what's up?" He asked. No it can't be... Could it be Bill?!

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