Can't hide forever

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🌟Dipper's POV:
"It's not that hard.. I'll teach you" he said, pressing a kiss to my forehead. Bill smiled as he rocked me back and forth, I blushed deeply.
"Bill I have two left feet" I said
Bill chuckled "No you don't.. I can confirm you one left and one right foot" he said
"That was a joke babe" I told him.
"I know.." He said pointing his fingers towards the table where a old fashioned record player appeared. Bill snapped his fingers and a beautiful but very old fashioned song began to play.
"Now follow my lead.." He said.

✨3 hours later✨
After 3 hours I finally got the hang of it a little bit.. Kinda. Actually no I was helpless.. And Bill finally gave up. I do enjoy hearing him play the piano though, it's such a beautiful soothing sound. I sit on the front of the gold piano, facing Bill. You know like the girls in the movies do.. Yeah I'm cheesy like that. Bill nods his head to the music as his fingers dance over the keys, and he hums softly. He smiled at me and I blush a little.
"Hey Pine Tree?" Bill asked after a long silence.
"I was thinking..."
"About what?" I asked leaning back curious. Bill stopped playing the piano and continued.
"How long are we gonna hide from your family?" He asked. I gasped slightly, somehow I knew this was coming. I hesitate for a long while not sure how to answer. I looked down at the floor with a sigh.
"Dipper..." I heard him say and my head snapped up. He only called me by name to get my attention, when he was really serious about something, when Bill truly felt strongly about somethings. I guess that was when his human emotions came out strongest. This must really be bothering him, he must know how much it bothers me too. I sighed again looking at him.
"Bill..." I answered back with a mere whisper.
"Tell me Dipper.. Please... How long do you intend to keep this up?" He asked softly. I cringed as he said my name again, the sound of it in his voice was so rare, it was almost like a foreign language to me.
"Until my Great Uncle Ford gives up trying to find you.. I guess.. Then we c-" Bill cut me off.
"He won't give up.."
I cringed again.
"He won't give up.. He knows I'm here, he knows.." Bill looks out the window as he speaks. "My presence in the dimension of sets a lot of things, my power is far to strong to simply blend in. Just being here I off set certain levels of gravity and balance... Levels that in Gravity Falls are already off set, so it doesn't mess anything up enough to notice... But trust me Sixer knows I'm here.. He's studied this place longer enough he knows when those levels are off set... Look he trust you.. Sixer doesn't even trust his own brother fulling.. But he trust you and Shooting Star.. I know if you tell him everything.. He'll believe you.." Bill said, I was suddenly overwhelmed.
"B-but.." I stuttered, I was at lose for words. I didn't know to do. He was right though.. It's not like we can just hide forever. I sighed looking down. I thought for a moment. "Ok give me some time.. I'll tell Mabel first.. I know she'll understand, it may take her some time.. But I know Mabel will trust and understand me.."
"True.. Shooting Star does understand you.. Twins have a connections. A bond unlike any other.. Like two halves that come together to make a whole.. Conceived at the same time in the same wound, each has their weakness and strengths.. Therefore they understand each other as they understand themselves.. Shooting Star will understand maybe even before she realizes it" I just looked at him, not sure how to respond.
"Why do you always have to be right... And so logical?" I whined.
Bill chuckled, "Because I'm awesome" he answered.
"Fine.. I'll tell Ma-" I didn't have time to finish that sentence because literally 2 seconds later I heard a very familiar voice, one that I'd obviously know anywhere.
"BRO-BRO!!!" She called. Oh no.

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