The Nightmare

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🌟Bill's POV:
Pine Tree tossed and turned in his sleep, he looked very uncomfortable.
"Noooooo" he screamed, and jumped, I looked up from the book I'd stolen off the shelf, and noticed he's screaming in his sleep. I'm a Dream Demon so I'm an expert on nightmares, and to be completely honest this looked like a nasty one.
"Noooooo nooooo BILL!!!!" He cried, I jump at the sound of my name. 'He's having a nightmare about me?' Normally I would completely understand why.. But this was a different kind of screaming... Not terrified but, Worried... Maybe even.. Sad.. Pine Tree started to cry in his sleep.
"Nooo Bill Nooo" he cried, tears coming down his cheek. I stood up and slowly walked over to him. I look into his dream, and I'm surprised at what I see. This is not the kind of nightmare People usually see me in.. "Noooo!!!!" He cried out again, I sigh softly.
"It's ok Pine Tree... I'm right here.. It's ok" Placing my hand on his face careful not to wake him. "Shhhhhh baby.. It's ok.. I won't hurt you..." I cooed "I won't let anyone hurt you!" I stroked his cheek and began changing Pine Tree's dream, making it happy, his frown changes into a smile. "That's better..." I smiled, I pressed a gentle kissed to his he's forehead, and repeated "I won't let anyone hurt you"

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