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🌟Mabel's POV:
"Hey Shooting Star what's up?" He asked. No it can't be... Could it be Bill?! Dipper sighed and looked at me nervously.
"BILL?!?" I screeched out. Dipper sighed again and looked back at Bill, he turned to me and walked over to slowly.
"It's ok Mabel.. I promise he won't hurt you.. Let me explain" he said softly. I was confused and kinda nervous but I wasn't scared, I trust Dipper with every inch of my being, if he says it's ok I'll hear him out. So I sat on the couch and Dipper told me everything. About how Great Uncle Ford told him Bill was back, and how he would get rid of him once and for all. How Bill got banished from the Nightmare Realm and why he's in human form, how his powers are still strong but limited. How Dipper and Bill and made a deal that Bill would stay in Dipper's room so he could watch him and make sure he wouldn't try anything, until Dipper could figure out what to do with him. He told me how Bill ended up stay much longer then he thought and he worried Great Uncle Ford would find him. How he developed feelings for Bill. He told me how as it went on.. It wasn't about just hiding Bill until he knew what to do anymore.. It was about hiding Bill to keep him safe. Dipper said how worried he got Uncle Ford would find him, Dipper had grown to love Bill and couldn't let Uncle Ford kill him, it became his goal to keep Bill safe, and that's why they moved out.
"And so now you see why it wasn't easy to just tell you.." Dipper said as he finished. The whole time I just listen very intently, I understand everything perfectly now and I understand why Bro-Bro was so scared, no wonder he ran off so quickly. I nod my head.
"I understand Dipper" I said softly. Dipper seemed shocked I took to this so well.
"You... Your not... Freaked out.. O-or creeped out.. Or worried, or.. S-scared.." He stuttered.
I snorted, and giggled.
"Why would I be?" I asked.
Dipper looked at me funny.
"C-cuz.. I'm.. D-dating.. Bill... As in Bill Cipher!" He said. I laughed a little this time, and Bill chuckled too.
"Dipper... Of course not.. Geez! Come on I know you better then that! I trust you, and I trust your judgement.. If you say Bill has changed, then I believe you!" I said.
Dipper finally smiled, and wrapped me in a tight hug.
"Thank you so much Mabel" he almost cried. Bill looked at me, and I searched his face some kind of emotion... I think I saw.. Happiness.
He smiled. "So it's nice to meet you again Shooting Star, let's say the old Bill never existed... The old Bill is dead now.. This is me.. And it's great to meet you" he said, holding out his hand. I was a little apprehensive to shake Bill's hand, I'm sure you understand why, but I pushed that thought away and trustingly shook Bill's hand, and smiled at him.
"You too Bill" I said.

🌟Dipper's POV:
After that Mabel, Bill and I talked for a few hours about life. She asked about how we were doing and how things where going, and she told us about how Gruncle Stan and Uncle Ford, and what their up to. She told us about how Soos loves being Mr. Mystery and about all the new attractions at the Mystery Shack. Apparently Soos has done a real good job with the place, it's cleaner, lively and friendly. The Shack is a big success again like when it first opened. Mabel said Tambry moved and Robbie and Wendy are dating again, she probably expected that bother me a little, but I've been over Wendy for years now. Don't get me wrong Wendy is awesome and she's a great friend, I'll always love her as a friend, and care about her deeply, but when I found out I was Gay after moving back home, I moved on. Mabel decided to stay for the night since it got really late. We talked for a really long time, I guess I didn't realize how much I really missed Mabel until now. When we were getting ready for bed Mabel asked the question I knew was coming for a while now. The one I'd been dreading, and even though I knew she'd asked eventually it still made my heart bound in my chest.

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