Trust and Promise

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🌟️Dipper's POV:
"Dipper... You know.. You won't be able to hide this from Uncle Ford forever... What are you gonna do? You have to give him some sort of explanation.."
My heart pounded in my chest as she said this, I knew she was right but what WAS I gonna do?! I wish I had the answer. I looked down at my feet, unsure of what to say.
"Bro-Bro?" Mabel asked softly, but I stayed quiet.
"...Dipper I'm sorry I'm was just..." I sighed, I knew she was only trying to help but I was so worked up over this, it had haunted me for too long now. I was so worried about this, so confused, so scared. If I went to Great Uncle Ford about this, if I told him... Bill could die. I know Great Uncle Ford might not understand, he won't believe me... He won't look hard enough to see the truth... He won't be able to see the good in Bill's eyes. I'm so terrified because I know how each move I make now is dangerous... One wrong move and I could lose Bill forever. I feel a hand on my shoulder and I hear a sweet voice.
"Pine Tree.." His voice soothes me, it helps me to relax just a little, but I still don't speak, for one reason... I have no idea what to say. Bill knows everything I'm thinking now though, and I vaguely become aware that I heard him sigh. Bill wraps his arms around my torso from behind me, and let's his hands rest gently on my lower stomach. I hear him sigh again as he leans forward pressing his front against my back, and finally he gently rest his chin on my shoulder.
"Pine tree..." His low, husky, and somewhat hollow sounding voice asked again softly, it was gentle and sweet, soothing and sincere in his voice I could hear his concern, his kindness.. His love. Bill turned his head slightly and pressed his lips to my cheek, he held the kiss out it was long but ever so gentle, so sweet and pure.. This was the most sensitive I'd ever see Bill, the most gentle, sweet and supporting he'd ever been since we'd started dating. In his arms, right now in his touch, all my troubles seems to slowly melt away, I felt relaxed, I felt calm... I felt rest assure that somehow... Someway things would be ok. I let my eyes close, as I slowly took in a deep breath.. A small smile formed on my lips as ever so slowly I took in this love, this comfort that I needed so much. Once again I hear Bill's soothing voice.
"Dipper..." He cooed. His voice was so full of love, so much trust, and truth, it was so real. "I love you Dipper... We'll make it work ok? I promise" Bill said, just the tone of his voice I could tell he was promising me... That no matter what! No matter what happens EVERYTHING would be ok! Bill kissed my neck and finally I sighed, and spoke.
"...Fine We'll talk to him... We'll tell Uncle Ford" I said.

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