I'll Teach You

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🌟Dipper's POV:
"Ahhhhh... Owwww"
I woke up to the sound of screaming..
"What th-" Wait! That sounds like Bill. I jumped up out if bed and ran towards the sound. "BILL!!!!" I panicked, I only thought the worst, somehow Uncle Ford had found him, but when I reached the kitchen, I see Bill bleeding all over the counter. "BILL WHAT HAPPENED?!?" I asked running over to him.
"I think I'm experiencing pain for the first time.." He said wincing. I ran over to him. Bill looked scared, I'd never seen that before.
"Bill it's ok.." I said softly, "Come here.." Bill seemed hesitate, as I reached for his hand.
"Pine Tree.. I've never felt pain before.. What's gonna happen to me???" Bill asked, and I couldn't help but chuckle a little.
"Your gonna be fine Bill.. Just trust me" I chuckled.
"It's not funny.." He whines.
"I'm sorry.." I said, taking Bill's hand gently and running it under water. He hisses in pain, and tries to pull his hand back.
"Ahhhh what are you doing?" He says.
"Bill relax.. Please.." I turned to face him and place my hand on his cheek, I kiss him on the lips, and pulled back looking into his eyes. "Your fine.. Trust me" I tell him. Bill relaxes a little and let's me clean his cut. After that I wrapped a bandage around his hand and set him down on the couch, with me.
"Pine Tree...?" He asked.
"Yeah Bill?" I asked, pushing his yellow hair aside.
"Pain is not hilarious..." He said
I laugh "No baby it's not" I said, I wrapped my arms around the back his neck and kiss him.
"What were you doing?" I asked.
Bill looked down, "I was trying to make you breakfast" he said.
I gasped a little, I was shocked. Bill was trying to something romantic, he must have heard about it somewhere. He was trying to do something special for me. How sweet, a tear nearly come to my eye.
"Bill that's so sweet, thank you" I said.

✨An Hour Later✨
"This is great Bill thanks.." I said, the was no response so I looked up from my omelet. "Bill?" I looked around.. "Where did you go..?" I asked. Suddenly I hear music. I look in to the direction the music comes from and I see Bill right in front of me, playing a yellow piano. "Wh-where did.. You get that?!?!" I asked shocked. "How did you... Get.. Bill I don't remember a piano in this apartment.."
"It's mine Pine Tree.." Bill laughed.
"But how did..." I was so confused but I found this funny, I starting laughing.
"I may be in human form but I still have powers stronger then you can imagine babe" Bill said with his eyes closed, playing a beautiful song. I just gave up and listened to his music.
"That's beautiful Bill" I said. Bill smiled softly an, with his eyes closed, and nodding his head to the music. I smiled and enjoying the soothing sound. Bill smiled to himself and pointed at me, then started raising his hand, and I felt my body being pulled off my chair. "B-Bill.." Bill stood up and pulled my into a hug, he started rocking me back and forth.
"Come on Pine Tree let's dance" he said.
"B-Bill I can't dance" I stuttered.
"It's not that hard.. I'll teach you" he said, pressing a kiss to my forehead.

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