I Care About You

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🌟Dipper's POV:
✨A Week Later✨

The morning sun hits my eyes, and the warm summer air hits my face, from the open window. I sit up and stretch, I rub my eyes and yawn.
"Good morning Bill..." I said. No response. "Bill?" I look around. "Bill?!" I yell, and cover my face. I'm still hiding Bill in my room, Great Uncle Ford can't know I found him. If Uncle Ford knows where Bill is he'll destroy him. I can't let him do that.. It's not Bill's fault he stuck here in human form.. Well actually I guess it is.. Since he broke the laws of the Nightmare Realm and got banished here, but the point is.. Bill's changed.. And I can't let Uncle Ford destroy him. He doesn't deserve that.. Not to mention the fact I've started to fall hard for Bill in last week. "Bill.." I call in a hushed tone.. "Bill where are you.. If my uncle Stanford finds you he'll destroy for good.. You won't be able to fight it.. Your too weak in human form.. You'll be over!" I started to panic thinking about this.. "Bill.." I called again. Then I heard the voice of my Uncle.
"Finally!!! I found you!!!" He said
I gasped "Noooooo" I ran down the stairs, and to the basement, where my uncle was.. "Nooo!!! Great Uncle Ford!! Please don't I can't explain.." I yelled.
Uncle Ford turned around and looked at me confused.. "Dipper what's wrong?" He asked. I look around the room. No else here but us. "I uhhhhh... Wh-What did you find???" I asked. I wanted to make he hadn't found Bill but without saying his name, because then he'd know I had.
"My special pen!" He said, and I release a sigh of relief. "Check it out Dipper this pen can writ-"
"Yeah yeah yeah! That's great Uncle Ford.. I uhh I gotta go! Ok bye" I ran back up stairs. Now I have to find Bill before anyone else does. I started running back to my bedroom, when Smack. I ran right into something, and landed on my butt. "Ow.." I said rubbing my butt. Then I heard a laugh, one I'd know anywhere. Bill.
"Careful there Pine Tree!" He said.
"Bill!!!" I gasped relieved, and before I know it, I had jumped up and without realizing I grabbed the Dream Demon and wrapped him in a hug. Bill tensed up, at first he was as surprised as me, wait did I imagine it.. Or did he hug me back, I pulled back before I had time to answer that question.
"Whoa there Pine Tree easy!" Bill chucked. I grabbed him and pulled him in my bedroom and locked the door.
"Dang it Bill! How many times to I have to tell you.. Stay in my room, you can't be seen.. If my uncle Stanford finds you there's no turning back, you'll be gone forever!"
"Awww Pine Tree you do care..." Bill purred and cute voice and chuckled.
"This is serous Bill.. Until I can figure out what to do with you.. You have to stay hidden.. That was the Deal, you stay in my room so your not seen, and I find a place you a place you can stay... Hold up your end Bill" I said
"Fine! But it's sooooo boring in there.. There's nothing to do.. Let's go do something fun.." Bill whined like a child, and it was adorable and hilarious.
"Fine! What do you wanna do?" I asked, trying to hide the blush covering my face.
"Yes! Come on!!" Bill picked me up and jumped out the window.
"Ahhhh Bill!!!" I grabbed tightly to him, clinging on as we fly out the window, three stories down and Bill landed on his feet. "Theres this thing called a door!!!" I shouted, still clinging to him out of shock.
Bill chucked. "Hold on tight Pine Tree!" He said
"Wait wh- Ahhhhh" Bill dashed forward, and running super speed, out toward the forest. "Bill!!!!" I yelled clinging tightly. After a moment, I relaxed a little and started laughing, this was actually really fun. We reached the forest and Bill slowed down, he finally stopped and set me down on my feet. "Why would you do that?!?" I shouted through my laughing.
"Cause it's faster that way.. Plus you gotta admit you had fun" I'll said with smirk, he got me there. I shook my head and laughed.
"So what now?" I asked sitting down by the pound and skipping a stone. Bill watched me intently and sat down next me. It seemed like he was trying to mimic my actions, and copy my pose. Weird.
"Pine Tree?" Bill asked
"Yeah Bill.."
"Can I ask why your trying so hard to keep me hidden...?" He says titling his head to side like a confused cat.
"Well I don't want you getting destroyed....."
"Is that all..?" He asked
"Well.. Yeah... I guess.. You know.. I... I care about you..." I said. My cheeks got hot and I didn't bother trying to cover up the red blush I knew was covering my face. Bill paused and thought about that for a while, he finally said.
"I care about you too Pine Tree...." I was shocked, I looked up and gaped at him, as he continued "And I've never cared about a human before... Not one.. But you.. I like" he smiled.

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