When You Say Like...

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🌟Dipper's POV:
I was shocked. I didn't know what to do or say, or anything, I just started at him, with a dropped jaw.
"Careful Pine Tree.. If you say like that much longer you'll catch flies" he laughed, pushing my chin up and closing my mouth.
"Oh... Uhhh.. Right thanks.." It took me a few more moments to come back to reality. I was so taken back. 'Bill Cipher actually likes me???' I couldn't imagine this. I picked up a stone and skipped it a across the pond. Bill tilted his head again.
"How do you do that?" He asked.
"Do what?"
"Make that stone jump across the water.. Doesn't that break laws of gravity..?" He asked then smiled. "Well I guess this is Gravity Falls after all" he said laughing, I smiled and shook and my head. "Get it? Gravity Falls.. I made a joke.. Did I do that right?" Bill asked.
I chucked. "Yes you did it right" I laughed.
"Ok.. Making sure... I'm still trying to learn these human emotions.. I think I got humor down pretty well.." He said, and I laughed.
"You always had that one.. Just what you think is funny and what normal people think is funny are sometimes very different..." Bill laughed
"Like Pain... Pain is hilarious..." I laughed.
"No Bill Pain is not funny at all.. Pain is pain.. It hurts.. It.. It sucks" I said laughing. "Your a human now, your gonna figure this out soon.." I said
"I don't feel pain.." Bill said
"You do know.. All humans feel pain.." I said looking out at the pond.
"What's it like?" Bill asked.
"Uhhh well it's... It's pain... It doesn't feel good, sometimes it feels sooooo bad you can't stand it... Trust me you'll find out one day.." I said, but I looked down, it hurt me inside now that I think about, I never want Bill to feel pain. Ever! Seeing him hurt would hurt me. I know it's not so thing I can stop, but thinking about him in pain, especially because he doesn't know what's like now, it's depressing.
"So you've never skipped stones before?" I asked
I laughed. Picking up a stone, and said. "It's all in the wrist" I tossed the stone across the water. "Now you try.."
Bill picked a stone with telekinesis, and it flew across the water. "There!" He said
"Bill..." I laughed at him.
"Teach me to do it?" Bill asked
"Of course!" I pick up a stone, and handed it to Bill. I blushed a little as I took his hand. "Ok ready?"
"Ok toss it" I say
Bill tosses the stone and I show him how to flick his wrist. The stone skips across the pond.
"There you go! You did it!"
"Wow I did something like a person!" Bill said excitedly.
"Yeah you did it!" I said turned to look at him. Bill was smiling, his eyes were glowing yellow, brighter then usual. "Your eyes are blinding me" I squinted.
Bill laughed, "They'll dim out a little in a minute" he said.
"Why do they glow brighter at time?" I wondered.
"They glow when I use my powers, or when I'm happy" he said.
"Oh.. So..." I looked around. "What power are you using..?"
Bill laughed "Nothing right now" he said
"Then why can't I look directly at you without being blinded?" I asked.
"Well obviously I'm happy!" He said smiling.
"Why are you happy?" I asked.
"Cause I'm with you Pine Tree.. I said I like you.." He chuckled.
I looked out at the pound... I had to try and clear my mind, straighten out my thoughts.
"Pine Tree...?" Bill waved his hand in front of my face.
"Yeah?" He asked, his eyes were finally dim enough I could look at him.
"When you say like...."

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