Chapter Forty Five

654 27 13

Sunday | September 27, 2015
Moe's POV

I haven't left my room these past two days, unless I needed to use the bathroom or wanted food.

I'm broken, and you simply can't fix a broken heart. I needed Julie in my life and she chose to walk away from the friendship that we had.

I looked down at my wrists that were fresh with new cuts. It had to be done, there wasn't anything to look forward too.

I threw on a sweatshirt and laid on my bed and stared at the ceiling. I closed my eyes when I heard a knock on my door.

"Morgan, hun? It's me, Lauren." I hear her familiar voice.

I got out of bed and slowly walked over to the door. I opened it and Lauren stood there.

She dropped her bags and pulled me in for a hug. I cried so hard.

"Shhh... You're okay. You're going to be okay." Lauren says until my crying subsided.

"Let's get you cleaned up. Kelley told me you haven't showered in two days." Lauren says as she grabs my hand and drags me over to the bathroom.

"Take a shower, make sure it's warm enough. I'll clean up your room and get you some clothes to wear. Then we'll talk. Okay?"

I just nod before Lauren leaves the bathroom. I do as she says and take a long, hot, relaxing shower. It was definitely needed.

I changed into the clean clothes that Lauren left in the bathroom before I went back to my room.

All my broken trophies and frames were cleaned up. My bed was made, it was back to normal.

"How do you feel?" Lauren asks.

I just shrug my shoulders as I show her the cuts on my wrists.

"Morgan..." Lauren says as she lets out a sigh.

Once again, she grabs my arm and leads me to the bathroom. She grabs some bandages and wraps them around my wrists before looking at me with concern in her eyes.

"You can't keep doing this to yourself. You have to promise me you'll stop." Lauren says.

It stayed silent for a while before I looked up at her.

"Okay, I'll stop." I finally say.

"Okay. How about a walk on the beach? You could use the outdoors." Lauren says as we head to the back door and walk out onto the beach.

"What are you doing here?" I ask as I feel the cool sand under my feet.

"Kelley called me. I came as soon as I could."

We find a spot on the sand to sit on and I leaned my head against her shoulder.

"Morgan, are you okay? I'm serious, don't lie."

"I'm not." I say.

"I'm sorry that this all happened, you didn't do anything wrong and we both know it. Kelley told me everything."

"Then why'd she leave? Why did Julie leave?"

"That's a tough question to be honest. I don't have all the answers but she thought it was best for both of you. I know you like her Morgan, loved her even. She left because maybe she liked you too. It was hard for her and you have to understand that."

"She betrayed me, Lauren. She broke promises, she broke me. She needs to understand all the damage that she has caused."

"She probably already feels bad enough, Morgan."

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