Chapter 34 - Near you

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Harry's POV

Damn she probably didn't want to see me. I might have made her a tad uncomfortable, okay maybe it was just the fact that she had just woken up, but still. I just want things to be okay. I want them to be the same again.

Maybe I should call her, we did agree on meeting up. Better do it before it's too late, I thought as I unlocked my phone and it said 15:43.

I searched for and clicked on her number that I had saved from the last time. It rang for less than a minute then switched off, so I tried again and not long after she answered.

"Um, hi, it's Harry."


"So if you're still up for it and stuff-" She cut me off.

"Yeah I didn't forget. How about in an hours time at my house? Sound good?"

"Perfect - I mean um yeah great - good. It sounds good." I mentally cursed.

"Okay see you then."

"Uh, bye. See you later."

I ended the call and sat down with my face in my hands. How am I suppose to do this now? Do I just tell her? Or put it off time the time is right?

I can't just yell, I want to be near you. I just always want to be near to you.

Jess' POV

At exactly 16:46 my doorbell rang, it could only have been one person.

I opened it and hugged him.

"Hey Luke." I greeted. Not who I expected, but none the less.

"Hey." He said trotting in like he lived with us - he basically did though. "Wanna hang?" He said taking a bottle of vitamin water out of our fridge and opening it.

"No! Not that one!" I yelled running over and snatching it from him. "It's mine."

"Nope not anymore." He still had the cap and licked the top of the bottle. "Mine now." He smirked cheekily.

"Eew." I said, but licked over, drank some and spat it back in the bottle.

"Gross. Okay, fine you can have it. You're disgusting." He retreated in defeat handing me the bottle cap.

"Boom! I win." I walked over to the kitchen draw for a spoon and tried fishing out some of the remaining spit floating in the water. 

"Want some." I laughed. I successfully retrieved all thefloating  spit.

"No, I'll pass." He joined my laughter as I took a sip of my water and put it back in the fridge.

When I turned around Luke was in front of the door and guess who decided to pitch.

"Hey Harry."

"Hey." He directed at me then Luke.

Luke walked over to the couch and turned on the tv never-minded, putting his feet up and was n ow face first into my bowl of half melted ice-cream that I dished myself earlier. I'm not going to lie, I still wanted it even though it looked like chocolate puke by now.

"Uh, come on in." I said motioning him inside as he closed the door. "Sit." I sat down next to Luke and he sat a seat away from me. WOW! Just awkwardly sat in between two guys.

"So..." He began as I offered him a gummy bear. I really should eat the candy I put out for myself, instead I forget it then offer it to guests like I put it out for them - wait... force myself to offer it.

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