Chapter 7 - Again

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*The next day*

I was awoken by the loud rattling of keys and the shut of a door.

My mom cheerfully entered my room joined by a slight cold swept breeze. She ran towards me and flopped upon me across my bed.

"Morning love." She whispered.

"Get off me!" I struggled in between laughter.

"I'm waiting for my reply." She said.

"Okay-okay, morning." I laughed.

"How are you and how did you sleep?" She said playing with my hair.

"I'm not telling till you get off me." I said whilst pulling an 'I'm dying' face with my tongue hanging out.

My mom slowly, but surely lazily rolled off me.

"Phew! I can finally breathe." I said over exaggerating.

"Now spill." She nagged.

"I'm fine, I slept well...except for a nightmare that I had."

"The same or a different one?" She asked worried.

"The same." I asnswered.

"Don't worry. It'll all stop one of these days." She looked at me reassuringly.

"But anyway... I had a friend over."


"No. You know Brad Simpson?"



"Ooooh! Isn't that the boy that you have a crush on?" She got closer and said all girly.

"I don't have a crush on him...I just like him more than other people do."

"What did you do?" She said eagerly and getting jittery. "Did you kiss? Did you make-out? Was it PG13. I hope you didn't go all Rated R." She was getting all excited.

"Mom!" I said with embarrassment washed over my face.

"I'm just saying if you-"


"Okay-okay. I'm gonna get breakfast ready. Would you like Cheerios or Captain Crunch."

"Captain Crunch, please."

"And uh Jess, aren't you going to school today?"

"Yes, but what would make you ask such a question."

"Oh nothing, just because it's 07:00 and the school bus left."

"I'm going to be late!" I yelled. But do I really have to go to school today, curse my art project.

There was no time for a shower, so I lept out of my onesie and took out some clothes and shit. First I smeared deoderant on myself so that I wouldn't reek of the unpleasant stench of blagh.

I bolted down the stairs wearing my faded black jeans, black and grey top and my black ARMY hoodie. Halfway down the stairs I managed to save myself from a near-death fall, because of my big black slippery combat boots.

I snatched my backpack from my mom's grasp, scoffed down five gianormous spoons of cereal nearly choking and running to the front door dodging my mom's hugs and kisses. "Bye!" I yelled slamming the door. I didn't even both waiting for a response.

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