Shattered Tea Cups

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[ I actually Finally updated!!!! AHHHH! I'm sorry guys everything is pretty touch and go for me but I am trying to write and I am sorry it took so long. I'm going to be checking my older chapter for all the spelling errors so that will be done tonight I hope and who thank you for the love and support! Enjoy!]

Elia was settled on the couch holding a small glass that stung at her palms from the heat of the tea within, but she welcomed the discomfort as it chased away the threat of the cold that was growing outdoors. The wooden door opened and in walked the good doctor. Her quickly took a seat across from the female. "How is your tea?" he asked with a small smile.

"Hot." she said not really trying to find a different meaning to his question.

"It's been two weeks since you've come home from the hospital how are you adjusting back to everyday life?"

She clicked her tongue over the back of her teeth. "I don't think I ever really adjusted to it in the first place."

"So you feel you're still learning what is normal?"

"There isn't anything normal for me."

"Why do you say that Ellie?"

"Do you really need to ask?"

"Maybe it would be good to explore why you feel that to be true."

She shook her head looking down into the cup and caught a glimpse of her still healing wounds which only made her stomach twist. He watched her carefully almost studying her movements for a sign of what was to come. He still wasn't fully sure of what she may be capable of and his interest was growing as the days marched on.

"If you don't wish to talk about this then how about you speak out about something else?" her eyes shifted back towards Hannibal now.


"Whatever you wish, we won't get anywhere if we just sit here silently."

Ellie swirls her cup slightly watching the liquid within dance and shimmer as it catches the light here and there. Taking time to choose her words carefully when it came to the good doctor every word revealed more than she would prefer. "I'm losing sleep" the female whispered lowly slowly dragging her attention back to the cup. Acting as though the words that followed were intended for the object she held rather than for Hannibal.

"There is this dream I have again and again. There is this box and within is there is an animal, but I can't say what kind of creature it is. It scratches and whines from within this box desperate to get out. The closer to the box I get the louder it cries out like it can sense me in some way." she scratches her nails against the cup creating a soft sound as it dances over the ceramic surface. "I reach out to open it but then I'm no longer there."

"Where are you?"

"In the box" she says rather coldly. "I'm suffocating. I need to get out. I can't breath, I'm clawing and scratching at the walls around me" A desperation began to set into words. Slowly taking hold and showing Elia was losing herself as the images of this self made horror show began to replay.

"I can't get out! I need to get out! I don't know what to do! I can hear someone but they won't let me out! I'm dying in here! PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!"

The teen gasped feeling her body jerked slightly, being pulled back to reality suddenly. In her panic Elia had dropped the cup of tea. Shards of colored ceramic were scattered over the hardwood floor and under her feet was a puddle of still steaming liquid. It was now she looked upwards to have her eyes meet the Good Doctor's gaze. His hands were firmly placed upon her shoulders as he had pulled her up from the couch. Her body was trembling like a leaf in the wind. Her blue eyes wide from a mix of fear and surprise to find Lecter so close.

"Ellie you are free of the box now, and I can promise you that you shall not be returning to it any time soon."

She placed her palms to his chest and applied a bit of pressure putting some distance between the two of them. "How do you know someone else won't put me back there?"

A small amused smile tugged at Hannibal's lips if only for a moment. "Then I'll kill them myself" he said with warmth to his voice as he lightly rubbed the frightened girl's cheek. "I won't let anyone take you from me."

Confusion replaced the fear in her eyes "Why?" she choked out weakly.

"Because" he cupped her cheek keeping eye contact with Elia "I've grown rather fond of you, maybe part of me wishes to protect you because you are so young but I have found myself thinking about you almost as my own." though this wasn't fully a lie he was twisting the truth. For the first time in his life he felt a connection with someone. Elia was a creature that possessed similar tastes as himself but she was still fighting her urges at every turn. Which was starving the hunter within her.

"Will you allow me in Ellie? Will you let me help and protect you?"

The questions weighed heavily upon her. Like cement shoes dragging her down into the depths of the ocean. Words rushed to the surface but none of them were audible to Lecter and at first he thought these questions alone might have finally broken here until finally the teen gave him her reply in a small frail voice.

"Yes, please don't go" The Good Doctor smiled pulling her close to his chest in a tight embrace.

"I won't Ellie, I won't" he whispered lovingly into her ear.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2017 ⏰

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