"Shadow" Flash Fiction Challenge

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- In 100 words or fewer, write a FANTASY story that incorporates the theme "shadow/anino."

- The entry does not need to contain the word "shadow/anino." For example, you may write about dark alleys, an eclipse, or a magical beach umbrella — anything that is connected in some way to the theme.

- The entry must be submitted as a COMMENT on this page, followed by the hashtag #FWFCflash (to distinguish it from questions or other random comments).

- Entries exceeding 100 words will be disqualified. You may use the word counter function of programs like MS Word or websites like https://wordcounter.net/ to make sure your entries are within the word limit.

- Open to all Filipino Wattpad users residing in the Philippines. There is no age requirement.

- Entries may be in Filipino or English. They may not contain profanity, graphic or mature content, and must not be fanfiction.

- Only one entry per contestant is allowed. 

- Please refrain from commenting on your own entry until the results have been posted. Your entry should stand by itself.

- The contest will run for two weeks. Deadline of submission of entries is on June 18, 2016 (Saturday) at 11:59 PM.


Mr. Paolo Jose Cruz ( paolojcruz ) is a published author and founder of GeekFight! Trivia Night, a team-based pub quiz about all things geek, hipster and pop. His short story "First of the Gang to Die" was published in Dean Alfar's Philippine Speculative Fiction Vol. 4, while "Excerpt from Neomuros" was part of Ruin and Resolve, a charity anthology. 

Mr. Cruz has also garnered several accolades here on Wattpad, with his story "First of the Gang to Die" being selected as a Wattpad Featured Story. He was one of the 7 winners of @su-SPEC-t 's flash fiction challenge for his entry "A Loss for Words," a runner-up in the Equinox Adventure contest by @AdventureCommunity for "Swamp Blood and 'The City Brilliant,'" and honorable mention in the @Romance Challenge Love Me Tinder for "Sugarland."

Mr. Cruz's forte includes microfiction, flash fiction and interactive storytelling.


The Judge will rate each entry on a scale of 1-10 and select the top three winners.

Results will be posted in this book on July 2, 2016 (Saturday) along with Mr. Cruz's comments on the winning entries.


The winner will receive the following:

(1) a shoutout on the FWFC page

(2) a dedication in the CONTESTS book

(3) 100-peso load c/o the FWFC admins

(4) bragging rights as the first ever FWFC contest winner

Do your best! Keep those entries coming! :) 

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