Entry #2

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Lashina and the Berberoka

Day and night, Tungkung Langit cried in regret. His voice was carried all throughout the land. Every entity heard his cries that brought fear. They ran far away from the source of cries leaving no entity near him. His cries continued and his that flowed down the land became a river that became nutrients to the flowers which would soon become a beautiful garden without his notice.

Not far away was an entity, an avatar of beauty herself. She was an engkantada. She was playing with the animals who she considered as her dear friends when suddenly, a cry was heard. Her dear friends quickly ran away at the sound of the cry. Even she sensed fear from the voice but what made her stand still on her ground was something familiar. It was a feeling, a feeling that she first felt when her mother left her, the feeling of losing someone very dear to you.

Clenching her fist, she lifted her head and turned towards the source of the cries. She took a step forward, then another, and another until she quickens her pace. The more she heard the cry, the more she wants to hurry to the voice's side for comfort. She did not care whose cry it was. All she was thinking right now was to hug the owner of the voice to ease the pain. Trudging through the trees and bushes, the cries grew louder and louder confirming that she was nearing her destination. Then, a sweet fragrance entered her nose. The fragrance seems to wake her spirits up again. The fear that once enveloped her heart earlier subsided as she hurried towards her destination. The moment the trees disappeared from her sight, A beautiful garden greeted her. Various plants, that bears fruit new to her eyes, and flowers blinded the visitor on this sacred garden. Beside her was a river that flowed calmly. Her eyes followed the flow of the river and decided to go its source. As she was nearing the source of the voice and of the flow of the river, she saw him with his own eyes. He was a being that is higher than her, she knew of this stranger. Her mother mentioned about someone whom she loves. They fought and she left him. It was too late when she realized that she has made a grave mistake.

Slowly, she made her step. Her presence was felt. It was very similar to the goddess that he loved but it was too weak. Extending her right hand, Tungkung Langit noticed her. He lifted his head praying that this presence was of the one he loved the most, but his eyes betrayed him. Standing right in front of him was an engkantada who looks like her, feels like her. He wiped his tears and stood straight giving an aura of superiority. With a hush voice, he asked

"Pray tell your name."

"Lashina, your daughter." she answered meekly.

"I see. So my intuition was right after all."

"It seems so, father."

Lashina sat beside her father and told him about her mother, Alunsina. Tungkung Langit listened intently at his daughter's story.

The moment Alunsina set foot to the earth; the land was blessed with her grace. Just like Tungkung Langit, a garden appeared on her path giving life to the barren earth. She did all this without using her powers. She was delighted with her unexpected creations. Various plants flourished and numerous creatures were given life. But none of these things quenched the sadness that was growing quietly in her heart. She only realized it now that what she has done only made a very wide distance between the two of them. Just like Tungkung Langit, her tears made the oceans and seas. For a long time her cries grew louder but it wasn't heard by her beloved. Then she decided to go back. The moment she stood up, an excruciating pain was felt in her womb. The strength in her legs escaped from her and she fell to the ground. The creatures that lives by her breathe helped her as she labored her children. The engkantadas were born.

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