Act 2- First Glance

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"Reen!! Hurry up!! We're gonna be late!!"

"I'm coming i'm coming!!" I shouted back as i made my way downstairs, stopped by the table to grab a toast and rushes out. "Here i am!" I said with a toast between my mouth as i tied my sneaker.

"You're always late, sheesh...." Kai spoke and made her way to the car. Skye was already waiting in the driver seat, waiting patiently.

"Ugh..its not like i'm 1 hour late..we're still gonna make to the airport....idiot..," i rolled my eyes as i followed her to the car. She pretended to ignore it and slipped into the passenger seat beside Skye.

"Guys always make excuses when they screwed something up..especially guys like you.." she implied as she fixes her hair.

"That's just who i am..." i shrugged, to lazy to argue with her. I sat in the back, i always like sitting in the back....away from people.

"Now now, you know i dont like when you two argue. You guys are twins, you need to trust each other..." Skye said as she pulled up from the driveway.

"Sorry" both of us mumbled. And the rest of the drive was nothing but silence. No one made an effort to open a conversation, except for a few chit chat between Kai and Skye.

Riding in the car used to be fun back when we both were little, there's always things to talk about. I guess, when you grow older you just feel that there's nothing worth to share with other people..well that's what i think. I was listening to 'Numb' by Linkin Park and let it blared into my ears, my eyes stared blankly at the trees passing by.

All of sudden, my mind drifted to the guy that followed me in Deviantart. Upon remembering that, i opened my phone and went to Deviantart.

Oh, he replied.

Ros3_Kam3ron: hey, dont be like that, your arts are way cooler!

Another reply.

Ros3_Kam3ron: lol, its fine..i'm busy too, ya know packing stuff to move out..

And some other reply, most of them were really fun to read. I dont know, i like reading what people wrote to me cuz it felt like they were meant to be for me. Yeah sometimes the hate really bothers you but the nice comments are always the best. Despite not seeing what they looked like from i think i could guess what person their are from the way they write.

"Heh.." i shaked my head. Man i really do love talking to myself. So i went back to reply to all of the comments and i notices Ros3_Kam3ron made a journal post.

Hey guys, Kam3ron here
Sorry for not telling this sooner but..i'll be moving away to Malaysia. So might not be active for awhile, hopefully its gonna be fun staying there.

wish me luck guys^^

Just a short post. Huh, he's moving here?

The dream for yesterday suddenly popped into my head. He's moving here??! I couldnt help myself but blush from the news.

'Nah....even if he moved here...the chance of me meeting him would be like...none' I thought for myself. There's no telling where he's gonna be moving, it could be Sarawak..or...Perak..or maybe Penang..

Maybe i shouldnt get my hopes up.

"Reen, we're here," Skye smiled as she unbuckled her seatbelt. I looked out of the window, oh we're at the airport already. So i stepped out of the car and stretched out my legs.

"We still go some time, thank goodness..." Kai said and made her way into the airport. Skye and I followed her lead.

"Oh i cant wait to meet them!" Skye exclaimed, i could see the excitement from her eyes. "I wonder how they would looked like...hmm..."

"Skye, they're just normal humans like us, not aliens.." i joked. Skye made a face and slapped my shoulder playfully. But yeah..i do wonder the samething too. I've never seen a foreigner before except from the tv.

"From what i've heard the exchange students would be coming with their family." Kai pitched in. Oh i forgot to mentioned that the reason we're here at the airport is to greet the exchange students who were selected by their persepective country and go study abroad, in this case to study here. Me and some other school were chosen to greet them at the airport.

"Eh?! Why cant they let the students come alone?" Whoa, that's really a lot of budget to cover for a whole family.

"Maybe it's to make the student feel like home, and to lessen the culture they receive when coming to another country," Skye explained. Oh, that make a way. As i was about to opened my mouth, i saw Ryana and Orike waving at us. And behind them were large group of local students waiting by the arrival gate. Shit...

"You made it!! What took you so long?" Ryana hugged Kai. Kai just gestured to me and Ryana just rolled her eyes.

"When will the plane be arriving?" Skye asked Orike. She checked her wristwatch.

"In about 10 minutes or so.."

"Welp, then i'm just gonna go wander off right back..," i turned around, not bothering from the answer. They were just too preoccupied about these "exchange students".

Off i go, wandering in the airport. I just followed where my feet took me, dont know how long i've been wandering tho. They just announced that the plane for the exchange students had landed.

"Guess i'll head back," i spun around to go back to the arrival gate. But...where was it again? Uh-oh...knowing that i dont have any sense of direction..i'm probably lost. "Goddammit.." i craned my neck over the sea of people to look for the gate. Due to the fact that i'm short, i could barely even see any sign or direction.

"I know, i should just call Skye!" I thought and went to the restroom because it wasnt as noisy as the open area. I looked down at my phone and punched in Skye's number while i walk to the nearest rest room (the only place that i could remember when i get lost).

"Oof!" What the? I looked up from my phone, a little annoyed but that annoyance quickly faded and was replace with a slight terror.

"Sorry, i didnt see you there," the lad apologized. I had to literally tilt my head up in order to see his face. Wait...have i seen that face before?..i brushed that thought off.

"No its my fault, i didnt look where i was going, so sorry about that," i smiled and went inside the restroom to call Skye.

[15 minutes later]

Finally, i saw the arrival gate sign. Thank god..i swear Skye's really not good at telling direction. When i arrived people had already crowding the gate and calling for the exchange students. I just stood at the back, watching, looking at each faces before stopping at this one particular face.


Seems like he noticed me staring, so he smiled and waved at me. And before i knew it, he was already making his way towards me...


Phew, another chapter done^^
i just feel like writing today and i got a free period so why not.

I really like this story very much and i hope you guys enjoyed it too.

Go check out Kameron_Rose's story as well! >w<

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