Act 3 - First Roommate

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The ride back to our house was nothing different, yet...i wasnt in the same car.

Due to the increase numbers of people, where the Olivares family will now be staying with us for the first couple of weeks, the weren't enough space to fit all of us in one car. And so, Skye thought that me and Kameron should ride the taxi instead.

None of us complained, so here we are in this awfully awkward situation. Still it was nice having someone in the back seat with me.

I glanced over to the taller lad, he seemed exhausted. I wanted to ask him a few questions but i'll let him sleep first. There was nothing but a silent void surrounding us, neither of us bothered to chat either.

I cant keep but stared at his features. He looks awfully familiar to the guy on Deviantart, who followed me yesterday....hmm...must be merely a coincidence.
Tho, his hair looks do fluffy..the way his chest falls up and down to the rhythm of his breathing....his lips,...those lips could possible devour mine-.. wait!..err...i mean....uh..that's probably how a foreigner's mouth looks like...think. I slapped my blushing cheeks and accidentally woke him up.

"Are we there yet?" He yawned, rubbing his eyes.

"O-oh uhm..not yet, in about 10 minutes i think," i squeaked, looking away.

"Oh okay then, wake me up when we get there.." he laid his head back and resumed his nap. But this time, it was my shoulder.

Oh god...


"Those guys went to go shopping or someting..." i sighed, pushing my phone into my back pocket.

"Hey! They're having fun without us!!" Kameron said, huffing as he crossed his arms.

Finally we arrived at my house, was just the two of us. Skye decided to drive to the her gang around town and go shopping or something, well that's what he said on the phone. Sheesh...guess my guts were right when Skye asked us to take the taxi.

"Well on the bright side...we can have the house all to ourself for a few hours..," I smiled and attempt to pick up his luggage for him.

"Ah its alright, i can bring it inside myself," he insisted and took his luggage out of my hand.

"But you're the guest-" i protested but he ruffles my hair and winks at me, leaving me a bit red as i grabbed the house key to open the door.

"Ohh nice house," he exclaimed as he walked in.

"Thanks, do make yourself at home..," i chuckled, turning the lights on as it was getting dark.
"Oh and we'll be sharing rooms okay?" I walked upstairs as Kameron followed behind.

"Awesome," he said simply.

Upon opening the door i realized that this morning i left my room in a hurry and forgot to clean it first. Feeling embarrassed, i quickly rushed in and picks up all the scattering clothes and dumps them in the hamper, kicked the soccer ball under the bed and closes the closet door.

"There we go," i wiped my forehead, phew...hope he didnt see that.

"Can i come in then?" He chuckled as he leaned against the doorway.
I was about to answer but i made a quick scanned and realized my precious stack of mangas were laying in the middles of the room.

How could i forgot about those?! If he sees it, he'll think i'm weird!! As Kameron walked into my room, i managed to push the mangas out from his view.

"Sorry if my room is a bit small.." i gave a nervous laugh, praying that he didnt see it.

"Nah, its alright...your room feels nice and cozy," he sat on my bed. I sighed in reliefs. I glanced at the clock in my room. Oh its almost dinner time.

"Oh, its almost dinner time...i'll go prepare something for the two of us," i got up and made my way to the door. Before i leave him, i told that he can use the bathroom beside our room(next door).

As i made my way downstairs, i just realized that....its just the two of us in the house, he's sharing room with me....hmm..

.......nah, nothing's gonna happen..

I reached the kitchen, scratching my head. Hmm...what should i cook?...welp, guess i should make what i usually make when i'm in the house alone.

Nasi Pattaya! (Go look it up XD its really delicious!)


Alright, i'll end here for this one X'D sorry if its too short

Hope you guys like it ♡

And go check out Kameron_Rose's story too!

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