Act 6- First Trouble

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I sat at the dining table, looking at the breakfast i made.

....looks to me that its gonna get cold soon. I sighed. Feeling that my eyes started to get teary, i quickly blinked it away.

He just yelled at me.

Well...he should cuz i was bothering him while he was asleep. I know i would. Yeah i kinda deserve that. I glanced down at my wrist watch, and stood up but not before slipping a note under the plate.

'Time to get going,' i grabbed my bag and walked to the front door. Before exiting the house, i hollered from the staircase.

"Hey Kammie! I made breakfast for'll like it.." with that, i put on my sneakers and rushed off to school. It's a bit far but i usually prefered to walk to school. And if its raining, Skye would take me there.

Why am i not going together with Kai? Cuz Kai usually comes to school really early, goes to study at the library and went to class. Me...well..i would walked into class when the bell rings.

"Ah Reen! Mornin'! "

"Oh, morning..." i replied back as Gen walked up to me. I smiled at him.

"Hey...what's with that fake smile dude?" As always, he can see right through like i'm made out of glass. Me and Gen would sometimes meet up and walk to school together.

"Huh? Pfft...just woke up with a bad know how Kai woulf wake me up," i bluffed.

"Rigghhtt..." he looked at me and narrowed his eyes at me. This guy...

"Oi orphan!" comes trouble.

I pretended not to listened as i walked quickly to my class, but as soon as i reached the hallway. A muscular hand grabbed my arm and slammed me to the wall.

"Oi are you fucking deaf?? Didnt you hear me??" That disgusted face inched closer to mine. I winced in pain as he grabbed my hair. "Answer me, you idiot!"

"Hey!! Let go of him!!" Gen earned a glare from him and was pulled by two other guys away from us.

I growled at him, trying to push him away. He was way taller that me, i think the same as Kameron?...i guess..
Eyes were green, hair a bit long- passed his neck.

"Whoa, this small fry's trying to pick a fight huh?" He smirked. He grabbed my shirt collar and inched his face closer. I just kept growling at him, trying to calm myself down.

This guy...really pisses me off.

"What is the meaning of this?!" I noticed the discipline teacher botled towards us from the corner of my eyes. And with that, the bully released his grasp.

"Ah..its nothing teach, trying to bond with juniors here..." he laughed and pet my head. I just gave a fake smile and nodded. The teacher just narrowed his eyes at us and then told us to get to class, as the school bell rang. I quickly pushed his hand away when the teacher turned around. I was about the head to my class but he pulled me and whispered into my ears.

'After school, usual place....if you have the balls to do it~' i could feel the disgusting smirked on his face as he pulled away and pushed me - so hard that i almost faceplanted the floor.

"Hey you okay Reen?" Gen walked up to me while wiping his bloody nose. Damn it...he's really pushing me over the edge. This is too much. Why does he hate me so much?! What did i ever do to him???..

Just becuz he's rich and so popular, he thinks he could do whatever he wants. I've heard that he would always change girlfriends everweek..and oh i know why he hated me so much..

He really likes Kai, so much but there's no way i'm letting this guy date my sister. And so i rejected him for her, obviously before he confessed it to her. To cut short, he was pissed and now he would bully me everyday.

"'re really not going to meet up with those guys..right?" Gen looked at me worriedly as we walked into class.

".....i do have balls ya know," i said bluntly.

"Are you insane?! He could beat you into pulp! Remember Justin from class C? That big, he was sent to the hospital becuz of that Shane guy.." replied Gen, horified to hear my unusual answer. Shane, refering to that bully just now. And yes, i've heard the to sum things up, Shane's a beast. And really tough beast.

"Tch...he doesnt look that tough to me..," i doubted. I sat down at my seat, which was beside thr window. Not really bothering to listen to Gen, or the teacher who just walked into class.

How storng can he be anyway?




'F-fuck my nose!!' I failed to evade his punch and it landed directly on my nose, which slammed me against the alley wall behind me.

By now i've already have a swollen cheek, maybe a broken ribs and..a bloody nose. I managed to balance myself against the wall, catching my breath as i wiped the blood oozing out from my nose.

"Well..i gotta do have balls..for coming all the way here..and without any back up plan too," he laughed followed by the other two bully. Each holding a bat and a metal pipe.

I could only glared at him before putting my fighting stance again.

"Y-You take that back!" I half yelled at him. He gave me his cocky grin.

"What? Is true your mom left you for another man, oh and your dad too..what a bunch of stupid couple...." i hate it when people talk about my parents despite not knowing them very well.

"I said take it BACK!!" I swing my arms towards his face but he easily evaded it and twisted my arm behind my back. Pinning me down on the wall, face smacking the wall. He kept on laughing.

"You're pretty stupid trying to fight us. Especially trying to fight me...but deals a deals right?" He keeps on pressing me against the wall, pulling my hair back. "You'll let me take Kai's nude picture, just one and i'll take back what i just said about your sweet parents~?"

"O-over my dead body, a-asshole!!" I used all my strength to push him off but no avail. I felt a grin behind me and felt his hand crawling down between my trembling legs

"Yup you do got balls, Reen~" and then he forcefully grip them tightly, making me yelp in pain. W-what the?!

"L-LET GO!!" I screamed but his grip tightens. It hurts!

"I think he likes it Shane~" one of his friend pull out his phone. Fuck you, no i dont!!

"Arghh!! S-stop it! It hurts!!" Then i saw the camera was point towards me. Oh god no! I tried to look away but he grabbed my chin and force to look at the camera.

"Omg he's crying!!!" They laughed like a bunch maniac.



Finally done with this chapter!
Sorry it took awhile cuz i had an exam last week.

Hope you guys like it. Sorry if its a bit boring ^^;

But dont forget to check out Kameron_Rose's side of the story!

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