Act 5- First Turmoil

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My eyes were wide open as i stared up to the bedroom ceiling. I was still panting and my head still spinning. I cant move even an inch, i feel so exhausted.

After seconds of silent and calming myself down, i managed to sit up on my bed. Staring at the reflection in the cupboard mirror in front of me.

I was naked and cheeks were flushed.

I thought it was a dream but no, it cant be. I slapped myself for the forth time and realized, that had happened. The first time i've been given a blowjob.

I swallowed hard and slowly gets up. It feels a bit weird for some reason, this how it was suppose to feel?...idk..i really dont know..
I grabbed a pair of boxers and a sleeveless t-shirt, put them on and quickly dive into the duvet. All curled up, hugging myself.

For some reason, i cried. I literally cried. I was scared but at the same time..i felt..that i liked it. Scared becuz those hungry dark eyes that pierced through mine, his body towering over me and without any explanation or anything..he just...did that. I was so shocked at that time
But, during that blissful time...the first time i happened to me. I felt his lips exploring every part of my skin, touching me at the right spot. When his lips wrapped around my throbbing member, man....i dont what else to describe other then amazing..and it drives me crazy.

Then i heard the door opened and footsteps. After awhile, i feel the bed spot beside me sank. Before i could register anything, a same pair of hands wrapped around me. My heartbeat quickens, cheeks blushing red. He didnt say anything. Is he asleep all ready?..No..he's not, i could feel his eyes staring at my nape.

"K-Kameron?" It was quiet. No answer.


"Uhm....why did you do that?" I still wanted to know why he gave me a blowjob. I was curious.

"Do what?" He opened his mouth, but he sounded tired.


"What do you mean?" He yawned.

"..B-Blowjob...." my cheeks turned redder, thank goodness he cant see me. I probably looked like a tomato right now.

"....." he stayed quiet. I huffes softly and turned around to see him asleep. Eh?! How could he fall asleep that fast??

I blinked for a second, staring into his face. His soft breathing and his lips opened ajar. Without thinking, i leaned forward and closed the gap between us. But it was only a matter of seconds before i pulled away. Realizing something with my innocent lil mind.

We barely even know each and for us to get this close, in a matter of hours.... its just..not that normal. Plus, i still new to all this...what if he took that as advantage and use it on me. What if he's just playing with me....i dont want that kind of relationship. Its too fast and i'm scared.

I'm face the fact that i'm an easy prey. I'm merely like newborn kitty, who could be taunted easily...

Why am i beating myself like this? As for now i'm already crying, but i tried not to make any sound.

Why cant i be grateful? Isnt this want i ever wanted...?

I sighed. i did wish for this. I got it but, i'm still unsure.

The turmoil in me, its making me doubt again..

And the same history would repeat again.....


All done!
Sorry its short QwQ
I'm a bit busy but i'll try to update it soon.

So a bit of self-conflict, dun worry
Kameron_Rose are you up for a challenge~? :3c

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