Act 4- First Night

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I just stood there, standing still looking at the floor with my hands still wrapped around my body.

What just happened?

My mind was still processing on the quick sudden event that had fell upon me.

Just now, i was cooking..minding my own bussiness. When suddenly a pair of arms wrapped around my waist, made me stiffens and then those words that blew into my ears. I took me a second to realized that it was Kameron and i managed to slip out from his strong arms.

2 reasons that made me react that way. Both of them being reflexes. Surprised by his words, wait did he found my yaoi collection??! Oh god...but the way he talked about it, didnt sound like he was digusted by it..those words...i could sense a seme aura from them. But, it cant be..maybe he was talking about his girlfriend. Tho the other was that...i felt a bulge?...uhm...i dont why but i feel like something was poking me from behind. No no..i dont think so...maybe it was my phone in my back pocket.

I shook my head, trying my best to forget about what just happened. I looked up to see two girls walking out from the kitchen, wait..when did they come home? I didnt hear the door...

"Oi Reen, Skye took us for dinner just now so dont worry about us...," Kai poked her head into the kitchen. Oh yeah dinner... Dinner?! I quickly rushes to the stove and turned it off. Oh man...the food was a lil burnt....welp, hopefully he likes it despite being like that..

I walked out of the kitchen, seeing Skye was helping Kameron's parents with their bags. I smiled and nodded at them. Guess they're using the guest room then, and the girls are probably sharing rooms together.

"We hope that you and Kameron will get along well," Mrs. Elvira smiled at me as we passed each other.

"Dont worry, we will," i gave her a thumbs up. And then Skye just had to butt in.

"Oh they will, Reen here is very shy when it comes to strangers so with Kameron around, i think it would be a great help with his communication problem,"

"Hey! Dont say it like that! I can talk to anyone perfectly!" I huffed, i just dont like talking face-to-face that's all. Mrs. Elvira just chuckled at us. I quickly leave them before Skye starts her rambling and made my way upstairs.

My heartbeat quickens as i approach the door, i stood there for a few second and was about to knock on the door when i heard Kamerin singing on the other side. He has a pretty voice, i cant lie but hearing those words escaped from his seemed to arouse me a lil, i bit my lips and quickly knocks the door.

"K-Kameron, uh...dinner's ready..uhm..i'll wait downstairs..," i said and walks back to the dining table, putting down two plates of our dinner. I sat down and it didnt took him long to arrive at the table. He looked around, seeing that there were only the two of us, he finally sat down.

"Sorry the food is a bit burnt," i frowned and looked at my food, expecting a 'yeah it does' or a fit of laughter, but what surprised me is that he didnt say anything at all and just eat it. He looked up to see my surprised face and chuckled.

"What? You cooked it for me right? Yeah its a bit burnt but its really good ya know," he smiled and continued eating. My cheeks heated up and i quickly eat my dinner.

His words made me happy. So happy...for some reason.

And for the rest of that time, my thoughts were lost to somewhere else.


A lil bit of warning ;)c

Dinner was a lil bit of quiet but it was okay, Kameron said that he would teach me how to cook and i gladly thanked him for that. He also added that our 'cooking session' will only be when we're alone in the house..

A good old bath after dinner is always the best. For me that is, since Malaysia is really hot lately i decided i would take a bath late at night.

I was under the shower, letting the warm water ran down my tanned skin. Running my fingers through the knots of my brown hair, i sighed in content. I closed my eyes and let my body relaxed.

As i hummed softly under the shower, my thoughts drifted to somewhere else...not far, just next door.


I dont know why,...we barely even know each other but...i think..he's okay. He's big and strong, he seemed nice too. But i wonder why he doesnt like people that much, maybe he doesnt like me too?...i hope not..

I opened my eyes, looked down to my feet and watched the water cascaded down my hair. Just then i remembered what he whispered to me.



Why am i so turned on by that? I've been trying so hard to keep this thing in my pants, so it wouldnt be obvious. Even when eating dinner. And now...

I stared down, biting my lips. Its been awhile since i touched myself. And this is the first time i was turned on by a real life guy.
Not manga, not anime..or girls...but this Kameron guy. I hesitated for a while but well..i have to do it somehow, right? ...But i gotta make it quick.

Slowly with trembling hand, i wrapped my fingers around my shaft and began to pump it. A soft gasp escaped my mouth. I move my hand faster and let the water ran down the length, making it more slippery. But that's not enough, i leaned against the wall for support as i reached down and starts fingering my tight hole. I put two fingers in at once earning a yelp which i quickly bit my tongue. Cursing to myself for being a bit loud.


Closing my eyes as i let my two hands do their work. I tried pushing my fingers deeper, still its not enough but i keep going. My mind starts to spin around, only to imagine him doing all this to me. I panted and moaned quietly, after awhile i finally cummed on my hand.

But it felt...nothing. I huffed as i pulled my fingers out, feeling sexually frustrated- yet again. And so, i turned off the shower, grab the towel, dried myself and exited the bathroom with the towel wrapped cozily around my waist.

Thank god there wasnt anyone waiting in front of the bathroom. I quickly made my way back to my bedroom, and opened the door...

Only to find Kameron smiling at me at he laid down the bed, in his jeans and with all my precious manga lying around the bed.
He patted a spot beside him.

Somehow my guts telling me that, our first night...would not be talking about his aeroplane trip..


(/ >/////< \) eheh, sorry i'm not good at making steamy and smutty story

But hope you guys like it, i did warn you about this chapter so dont blame me for anything!

I'll try to make a better one next time.
Sorry if you're not satisfied Kameron_Rose Q~Q

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