Act 8- First Class together

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Nothing out of ordinary happened for the passing week, tho me and Kameron had became closer and i no longer feel terrified or awkward around him. I wouldnt think it would be possible for us to be this close in a week but meh...what do i care.

"Kammie...wake up, its time to school...," i yawned as i gently poked his shoulder. My back hurts from the uncomfortable floor that we slept on. Eh? The floor? I looked around, there was a pile of blanket beside me, a playstation controller in my hand and two cups of instant noodles infront.

'Huh..guess we accidentally fell asleep after game night..' i thought. Then i heard a yawn beside me. I turned my head and smile.

"Morning love,..." Kameron mumbled and rubbed his eye. I blushed upon hearing what he just called me. Kameron is such a gentleman, i have to say. He would treat me as if i was a fragile doll. I smiled.


"You're up early arent you?"he chuckled as he sat up beside me. Running his fingers through his messy hair. Damn..he's so handsome with that bedhead..

"Of course! Today is the first day you'll be starting class with me!" He laughed and ruffled my hair.

"You two! Get up already! Its 7:30 now! Hurry up or you're gonna be late!!" We heard Skye hollering from downstairs. Both of us glanced at the clock before scrambling to get ready for school.

Welp, so much for early...hue~


"Well, arent you early.." Gen glanced over to me as i sat down at my seat. Panting.

"Hey, its not like i wanted to be late.." i huffed and took out yesterday's homework. "Oi, you know the answer for this question?"

"Oh that one, i justed copied from genius boy there," Gen pointed at the boy who was sitting in front of the classroom.

"That's good enough for me..," i said and started to copy down the answer.

"I heard there's a new transfer student today," Gen propped his chin with his arm as he stared blankly at the whiteboard in front.

"Mhm," i was still focusing on the homework.

"Wonder if they get to be in our class..."

"Of course.." darn, there a mistake on the other question too!

"What makes you so sure-" he was cut off by our homeroom teacher walking in.

"Alright, settle down everyone and shut the hell up. Joey, get back to your seat!" Our homeroom teacher, or Mr. Yakuza as we like to call him, slammed his file and book onto the table with his other hand in his pocket. Giving us a menancing look. "Good, so you lot have heard about the new transfer student right? Well, lucky you..he requested to be in your damn class!!" As soon as he finished that, i looked up to see Kameron strolled in with his bag slinged across his shoulder.

"Damn! He's super tall!" Gen exclaimed. Yeah, he's even taller than mr. Yakuza. By now, i could hear the whispers from the girls in my class.

'Omg so cute!...we're so lucky!...wonder if he has a girlfriend yet'

Tch...typical girls. Wait..why am i being jealous here??

I just glared at the girls as Kameron introduced himself in front. Right after that, mr. Yakuza assigned him to sit by the window at the back of the class- beside a girl named Hana-. I was a little sad that he didnt get to sit next to me but..oh well, we're still in the same class so that didnt bothered me.

As he sat down and put down his bag, his place was already swarming with kids in our class. I frowned. Welp..guess i know who's the popular guy for this semester..

The students quickly went back to their seat when they heard mr. Yakuza yelling at them. After he left, the first period teacher walked in and started the class.

I glanced at Kameron. He didnt get his textbook yet so he had to share with the girl beside him.

Gosh..wish i was that girl.

--- recess!! ---

"Hey, you wanna go get lunch with us?" A guy asked Kameron, but he politely reclined from the other.

"Kameron, come and join us for lunch!^^" again he reclined politely from the girls offer. So they left with a dissappointment, i smiled and cheered quitely.

I slowly approached him.

"Hey Kam, wanna grab lunch with me and Gen?" I offered and seemed like he was waiting for me to offer cuz he quickly said yes and grabs my arm. I chuckled, poor Kammie had to face all those kind of humans..

As we both walked towards the cafeteria, suddenly out of nowhere Shane and his gang appeared in front of us.

"Well well, look at you~ have you found a bodyguard~?? Hmmm??"
Shane glared at me and then towards Kameron.

I quickly hide behind Kameron as well as Gen.

"D-dont bother us! We didnt do anything, we just wanna eat!" Gen tries to put a brave act.

"Oh shut up pep squeak, i aint talking to you...," Shane took a step forward and stood directly in front of Kameron. "You got some nerves back there interefering with our entertaiment,"

I bit my lips, trying to pull Kameron to head the other way but its as if he ws stuck to the floor. He didnt bother moving and just stared down at Shane.

What is he thinking? Hopefully with less punching...or shouting.


Finally done for this chapter
Sorry it took so long but hopefully you guys like it

Go check out Kameron_Rose's side of the story to find out what happens next XD

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