Part 19: Lily's Pov

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   "I want to know everything. What's your life like?" Was this woman serious? She hadn't bothered trying to find me the past thirty years, so why was she so bothered now? It's not like anything had changed.


   "What's my life like? It was hell!" She reached out to take my hand, but I flinched away. "You know, I used to imagine what you'd be like. I thought you'd be just as angry as I was and that together we could get revenge on The Charmings for what they did to us. I was wrong. Instead, you're just weak!" I was mad at her too; she just left me to fend for myself. Why didn't she come after me; try and save me from the life I had been forced to live?


   "Lily, I'm so sorry. I really am, but not long after you were born The Evil Queen cursed everyone here to Storybrooke and I was trapped beneath the town in my dragon form unable to escape." I didn't know whether or not to believe her. I wanted to, but I was still angry at her.


   "I can't do this right now; I need to clear my head. This is all just too much." I stood to leave and she nodded understandingly. Maleficent wasn't the Scary Dragon Bitch I imagined her to be, or at least that's not all she was.


   Once outside, I could finally breathe. I found myself a bench by the docks where I could just sit and think for a moment. "Why hello, Dearie." I looked up to see a man standing over me. So much for sitting in peace.


   "Who are you?" I asked. I had already become acquainted with many of the residents of this town, but this man was not one of them.


   "I'm Mr. Gold. You must be Lily." He obviously knew who I was and now I knew his identity too. Emma had warned me about him and who he truly was. She also said not to trust him.


   "Ah; Rumplestiltskin." He was not at all surprised to learn that I knew his name. He offered his hand and I shook it. "Nice to meet you." I wasn't sure what he wanted, but from what Emma had told me, I knew it couldn't be good.


   "You too Dearie, but I have a question for you. Do you want Snow White and Prince Charming to suffer for what they did?" Of course he knew about that too; he was The Dark One after all.


   "I do. Can you help me?" Gold made me curious. I was intrigued by what he could possibly want with me.


   "Indeed I can, but I need something from you first." I was confused. "A little of your blood is all." I suddenly became rather defensive and edged away from him. "Not much. Just a few drops should do it." If that was all he needed and it meant that Snow and Charming would suffer, he could have as much of my blood as he wanted. 


   I pulled out a pocket knife and slit my hand open allowing him to collect a few drops in a vial. Finally, they would pay for everything. And with that, The Dark One disappeared in puff of smoke.

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