Part 43: Emma's Pov

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   All of this bickering was't getting us anywhere; all it had done was delay us even further. If we carried on like this then we'd never find Robin and The Queen, who also happens to be my mother, would most likely kill us all. "Stop. Regina's right." I found myself shouting. I never thought I would hear myself say that. Sure, the two of us had become friends, but we still didn't agree. Ever. "If Snow catches us then she will kill us, so we have to find Robin Hood; whatever it takes. I'm not willing to take the risk and ask someone where we can find him. Are you?" I looked around as they all contemplated the choice I had just laid out before them; the choice they had to make.


   "We don't have to ask anyone." Regina piped up. I was confused. I knew she didn't really want to do this and that she thought our story was just that; a story, but she knew just how important this was.


   "And why not?" Henry asked. He looked as confused as I felt; they all did. Regina was clearly keeping something from us and had just now decided that it was time to share.


   I tried to hijack one of the Queen's carriages this morning; planning to steal the money it was transporting, but it was a trap." I didn't quite understand what a failed heist had to do with anything. "There's another convoy this evening and I'd bet my life on it that Robin Hood will be waiting for it. To find him all we have to do is follow the route the carriage will take and wait for him to make his move." Regina lowered her head. So, she had known all along how to find Robin; she just didn't want to tell us, or was scared to. Either way, now that we knew, we could get to him before my mother got to us.


   "Well, what are we still doing here?" Henry seemed more excited than anything else, and although I wasn't feeling very optimistic I did appreciate the fact that he was trying to keep everyone positive.


   Regina led the way to where she figured Robin would be lying in wait. She couldn't be one hundred percent about it, but she said it was where she would be. "We almost there?" Killian enquired. His question was met with an unimpressed glare from Regina.


   "Come on, it can't be that much further?" Henry added, but she didn't ignore him which was strange.


   "It's just up ahead. Remember, you guys need to stay quiet. We don't want him to know we're here; not yet." I had to have faith that Regina knew what she was doing. Who better to think like Robin Hood than a fellow Outlaw, right?


   "We get it, okay" Lily snapped tiredly. We were all tired but there was no need to be acting like that and taking it out on Regina, especially when she was the one trying to help us.


   The five of us sat in wait, trees swayed and bushes rustled, but there was still no sign of Robin or the carriage.


   "Are you sure we're on the right road?" I asked, and Regina nodded. "Then shouldn't it have passed already?" Everyone looked to Regina in silence awaiting her answer.


   The sound of horse hooves trampling through mud pierced the silence and turned our heads in it's direction. "It's coming. Don't do anything; not until after Robin's made his move." We watched as the carriage approached and just as Regina had predicted, Robin emerged from the trees, heading straight for the side door of the carriage.


   He jimmied it open; clearly good with locks (a lot like someone else I knew) and grabbed what he could from inside. The carriage just carried on it's way none the wiser. "Wait here." Regina whispered as she began to follow Robin back into the comfort of the forest.

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