You get scared in the tent

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Liam: You and your boyfriend Liam had just snuggled down into your double sleeping bag in your tent when you heard a clap of thunder. Liam knew you were petrified of storms he immediately pulled you in for a hug and held you tight. By the third big bang you were crying your eyes out soaking Liam's pyjama top. "Shhh, it's alright baby I'm here everything's going to be alright." Liam whispered to you soothingly. He got out his phone and put the ear buds in your ears and played music in your ears to block out the noise. Eventually it worked and you drifted off into a deep sleep.

Louis: You and the boys were going on a camping trip in the middle of nowhere for a few days and you were all packed and ready to go. It took a couple of hours to get there but it was fine because you were watching films while snuggled into Louis' muscular chest. It was now getting dark and you were toasting marshmallows on an open fire. Niall got out his guitar and started playing everyone was singing along and you were having an amazing time. When it was time to go to bed you and Louis crawled into your shared tent. About half an hour later Lou was already in a deep sleep snoring softly. It was pitch black and you couldn't see a thing. Then you heard a twig snap outside of your tent you gripped Louis tightly, you were getting scared, all the nice memories you had just created with the boys faded into the background while all you could think about was what was moving around outside your tent. You hadn't realised you were digging your nails into Louis' bicep until he woke up and pried your hand off him. He chuckled a bit when he saw the fear in your face over a twig snapping. Being to tired to get up he simply said it was nothing and told you to get back to sleep. In the end you stayed up most of the night, too afraid to go to sleep.

Harry: You and Harry were wrapped in each others arms cuddling closely when you heard a loud thump come from your surroundings. You immediately looked up and asked Harry, with fear in your voice if he had heard that he said no and told you it was probably your imagination. You relaxed a little after hearing him say that and started to drift off to sleep until you heard it again. "Harry, did you seriously not here that?" You asked starting to get panicked. "Babe, I don't know what your talking about" He had a slight glint in his eye and you could tell something was up. You sat up straight and looked down at him when he started to giggle. You found this adorable but concentrated on what was more important. "Harry!" you exclaimed, trying not to laugh. You saw his hand move this time as you heard the next thump. "What?" He asked you all to innocently. "I even saw your hand move that time you idiot." After he admitted that he was the one trying to scare you spent the rest of the night and most of the morning cuddling and giggling about random things.

Niall: Your eyes were shut but you were still wide awake, with Niall muttering things to himself in his sleep you couldn't slip into the darkness of the night. It was starting to get lighter and lighter as the morning came. You opened your eyes and were about to wipe the sleep out of them but froze when you saw a gigantic spider sitting on the floor of the tent next to your sleeping bag. Being the over reactive arachnophobic that you are you screamed and ran out of the tent. This, of course, woke all the other boys up as well. You were shaking from fear with tears running down your cheeks in nothing but a vest and pyjama shorts when the other boys found you. Niall comforted you but couldn't help laughing a bit of you getting that worked up over a spider. This was your last day at the campsite so you were relieved that you didn't have to spend another night in the tent.

Zayn: You and Zayn were cuddling in your sleeping bag after having a massive tickle fight when you heard something move outside your tent. You looked at Zayn with wide eyes. He knew exactly what you were looking at him like that for because he had heard it as well. You snuggled even further into his chest even though you knew he was just as scared as you. "Zaynie?" You asked with that tone you used when you wanted something. Zayn looked down at you momentarily forgetting about what was outside and smiled, "Yeah, baby?" "Ummmm," you pondered "Please can you quickly poke your head outside and see what that noise was." The fear rushed back into Zayn's expression as he got up without protesting. You kind of felt sorry for him because him being the 'big boy' he wanted to show you he was brave and independent. He came back in saying that he couldn't see anything because it was pitch black and he didn't have a torch. The next morning you woke up in each others arms and when you got outside you realized a heard of cows had been sharing the field with you overnight.

Hello der,

So I really want you guys to give me some feedback about what I've written especially on  whether you want dirty content or not.............

I know I'm a day late but today I'm celebrating Niall James Horan's 20th b-day with ma homees



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-Olivia xxxxxxxxxxxxxooooooooooooooxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :0)







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