His name on your phone

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Liam: Myforkie<3 because of the way he even finds ways to eat soup with a fork which you find adorable.

Louis: Dat-ass. Everyone knows he's 50% sass 50% ass and you love smacking it playfully when he's in front of you.

Harry: Thosesexycurls;). Harry's hair was always part of why you fell for him and also his adorable saying of, 'these curlies get the girlies' turns you on every time and he knows it.

Niall: Myprince:)xox. You two made your caller IDs match on each other's phone, you're called Myprincess:)xox on his

Zayn: Bradfordbadboi. You let Zayn save his own number in your phone and that's what he named himself as so you decided to keep it as you found it quite sexy that he thought of himself as bad boy.


It seems like ages since I last updated but it hasn't so yeah.......... I've had my iPod confiscated until half term which is in 5 weeks or something like that so I have to get my laptop out to update and I've just been lying about doing homework because my parents are dead strict. Yeah I know........I lie for you guys.

Please can you give me some ideas of what to do next because I have no idea except the one I have a draft of right now which I will post either later on today or tomorrow.

Right right right............News from the world of Olivia..............My friend got tickets to a charity match in Doncaster which Louis is playing in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OMGOMGOMG!!!!!!!!!!! And the rest of one direction might be there and I'm not allowed to go!




Buy something, wrap it up leave it for a few weeks and then give it to yourself as a present (thinking about it that is a really sad thing to do)

Ciao babes!

-Olivia xoxo;0)

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