How you sleep

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Liam: Liam absolutely loves to spoon while you two sleep. He prefers being the bigger spoon and you the smaller one so it all works out. However usually when you wake up he is half way on top of you. 

Louis: You love Louis' muscular torso and arms so he sleeps with his back facing you and you arms wrapped around him. Also when he feels you arms slip around his waist he holds your hands in his and tells you he loves you.

Harry: Harry loves cuddling you and usually snaps some photos of you while you sleep because he finds it adorable and could watch you sleeping all day long, if you'd stay unconscious for that long that is. You normally curl into a tiny ball surrounded by the blankets in the centre of his chest. He wraps his arms around you and you love breathing in his gorgeous scent wake you wake up.

Niall: Niall love messing with your hair while you cuddle so when you sleep his head is above yours and he lightly kisses it and strokes which you love. You face his chest and he has his legs wrapped firmly around yours to keep you in place.

Zayn: When you two do finally get to sleep you have your back facing each other but your bums are still touching. In the morning when you wake though Zayn is either on the floor after falling completely out of the bed or half off it with one arm dangling down.

Hey hey you you I don't like your girlfriend no way no way I guess you need a new one....uh yeah that was instead of my usual 'hey guys' just thought I'd add some pizzazz y'know.

I'm starting to run out of ideas so please can someone give me a prompt? Yeah, just leave it in the comments, feedback is always appreciated and I'll dedicate the preference to you, cuz I'm nice.




Give me prompts

Go do a bungee jump in New Zealand


-Olivia xoxoxoxoxoxoxo :0)

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