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Liam: "Li, please can you come and help me with this necklace!" You shouted down the stairs to your boyfriend. "Coming," he practically screamed back. You heard his loud, jumpy footsteps making their way up the stairs and into the room. "You look beautiful," he complimented as he walked towards you, grasping onto the necklace that you handed him. He carefully placed it around your neck, being cautious not to trap your skin in the clasp.

Louis: You had given Louis permission to choose your outfit for the day. You two had decided to go out shopping and then have a meal at a nice restaurant. You trusted Louis as he was very fashionable himself and had the same taste in clothes as you. You had a blindfold on and he was helping you into your clothes. "Nearly finished, just the last thing," he said, his voice full of anticipation and excitement. Then you felt the cool metal sliding around your neck.

Harry: He pushed your hair over your shoulder, exposing the back of your neck. He gently put his hands around your small frame and pulled the necklace around your neck, fastening it with the little silver clasp. When he had finished he dropped it and it hung beautifully over your collarbones and neck. You could see him staring at your reflection in the mirror, his eyes on yours. "Love you," he said, barely audible, just above a whisper.

Niall: "You ready to go yet babe?" Niall asked you looking over questioningly. "Nearly," you replied, struggling with the necklace you were trying to put on. "Here, I'll do it for you," he said holding his hand out and coming towards you. You dropped the shiny bit of metal into his slightly calloused fingers and let him put it on for you. He managed to fasten it at lightening speed, his hand darting around you neck. "Thanks," you smiled at him and he just pulled you into a hug telling you how beautiful you were.

Zayn: You and your boyfriend Zayn were shopping on a warm summer's day. You had your hair pulled up messily with sunglasses resting on top of your head. You were currently in New Look and were looking in the jewellery section. "This is nice," you heard Zayn say from a couple of metres away. You looked up and saw him holding a sparkly gold necklace. You thought it was lovely and he agreed to put it on for you. He secured the clasp and started gently drawing swirly patterns on your back with his finger.


I have to make this quick my computer's going to run out of battery!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OMG i'ver nearly got 4k reads 0_o :O

Just a little thank you to all ma friends for reading my stuff and saying its good even though its a bit crappy xxxxxxxxx ;0)








Luff u :)

-Olivia xxx

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