You tie his bow tie for him

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Liam: "Babe!" you heard Liam shout from your shared bedroom. You were going to an awards show and were waiting for Liam to finish getting ready. "What?" You shouted back as you walked up the stairs. When you entered the room you chuckled as you saw him sitting on the edge of his bed with an untied bow tie draped loosely over his broad shoulders. He looked up at you seemingly embarrassed and threw it at your face asking you to tie it for him while quietly laughing. Of course you agreed and stood him in front of the full length mirror so he could watch how it was done. You did it and smiled at Liam giving him a quick kiss before you ran downstairs yelling that you were going to be late.

Louis: Louis normally just wore shirts with no bow tie but seeing as the event was such a special occasion he decided to put extra effort in. You were both getting changed in the same room just because you were. You had managed to wriggle into the extremely tight dress you had bought and were now putting on your necklace, I say putting on but you were only trying and failing. Agitated you said, "Lou, can you help me with my necklace please." He turned away from the mirror he had been hogging for about half an hour and looked at you. "If you tie my bow," He answered with a smirk on his face. You happily agreed to the deal and you applied each other's accessories.

Harry: Harry had gotten up early to go to an interview in some posh hotel in London. He had woken you up as well in the process so you were just lying in your bed watching him while he got changed.m He had a shirt on and was now fumbling with his bow tie. "(Y/N)," he said in a whiny voice. 2what Harry," you answered letting out a sigh. "Please can you tie my bow for me?" He said turning around with a pout on his lips and big puppy dog eyes. "But you do it all the time by yourself Hazza." " Please, I'm really tired!" He whined again jumping up and down a bit acting like a child for your amusement of course. "Fine then," you sighed getting out of the warm bed to assist your lazy boyfriend. You had tied the bow and turned to get back into the bed when you heard a quite "thank you" come from Harry's lips. Your heart swelled at how adorable he was sometimes so you turned back around and gave him a massive hug.

Niall: You and Niall were in your shared hotel bedroom getting ready to go to a music award thing. You screamed when you turned to find Niall standing directly behind you with a smile plastered on his face. "Hey, um I know you said I needed to be more independent and all but please can you do my bow tie?" He asked with a hopeful gleam in his eye. A few weeks ago you had told him to be more dependent because he was relying on you a lot more than usual. After about fifteen minutes of begging which you rather enjoyed you did it for him and walked out of the door hand in hand only to be greeted by a sea of screaming directioners.

Zayn: You were watching TV when Zayn walked into the room his undone bow tie in his hands. You sat up and looked at him already shaking your head. "Please (Y/N)," he said raising his voice and sounding desperate. He gave you 'the look' which you couldn't resist so you got up and stood in front of him taking the bow tie from his hands. "Thanks," He said sounding a little more relieved now. "I don't even know what to do Zayn." "Just guess," he replied not seeming fazed by the fact that he had to go in a matter of minutes and neither of you could tie a bow tie properly. You had a few attempts but they and fell apart when you let go. Suddenly an idea sprang to your mind. " I know," you said aloud and getting back to fiddling with the bow. "There you go!" You said after a few more seconds. Zayn walked over to the mirror and started laughing his head off. All you had done tie the material in a shoelace type bow around his neck and he looked like a clown.

Hello fishies!

I decided that because it's advent (I got a one direction advent calendar XD) I decided that I'm going to try and update every day, EVEN ON CHRISTMAS (yes, that's how sad I am)

That carrot one from before was meant to be from yesterday but my shitty ipod wouldn't let me put it on.

Should I start doing Christmas themed preferences or what? I don't really know.

Also thank for 2k reads well it's actually 2.1 but oh well I cant be bothered.

So yeah I don't think any people actually read this bit at the end of the updates

You know what's next so......................



Follow moi

Go into a chimp enclosure and pretend to be a chimp '\(._.)/'

Bye bye (this was advent preference number 2 btw)

-Olivia the xmas tree xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

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