April fool's

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Liam: It was the day before April fool's day and you had just thought of an amazing but very bitchy plan. You were driving to the toy store to get another woody doll just like Liam's. You paid at the checkout and headed home while hiding the doll. You went into the bathroom and brought a pair of scissors with you. First of all, you snipped a bit at Woody's leg and pulled some of the stuffing out as well. Next was the really fun bit, it took a bit of time to get it loose but you eventually pulled the head of the doll off. The next morning you went downstairs looking all sad. It was the weekend so Liam was already downstairs making you breakfast in bed. You did feel really bad about doing this but you knew when you showed him his untouched Woody doll he'd laugh about it. You quietly stepped into the kitchen barely making a sound but Liam still heard you. "Hey (Y/N) you should ha-" he instantly stopped talking when he saw you holding the headless Woody doll in your hand. His face had noticeably turned paler and his mouth dropped open. You started with your drama skills, "Li li I'm really really sorry I was just playing with it gently and then the head just kind of fell off in my hand." Liam walked towards you and took the toy out of your hands. He seemed heart broken, all over just a toy for god's sakes! "You were just playing with it gently and the leg got ripped, stuffing has come out and the head fell off!" His voice was raised now so you decided not to take it too far. "I've got something else to tell you as well." You looked at him regrettably. He didn't answer so you went ahead, "that's not your doll babe this is." You said bringing out the other doll and bursting into fits of laughter then huffing out April fool's. As soon as he saw his real doll Liam took it in his arms and started nuzzling it against his face. Later on that night he got you back and you two ended up pranking each other for the whole week.

Louis: For April fool's day this year you decided to go with a simple but effective (see what I did there?) plan to prank your boyfriend Louis. The plan was to put temporary fuchsia hair die in his shampoo bottle. After you had been shopping to get everything you needed you snuck up into the bathroom as quietly as you could. Louis had many hair products but you knew exactly which one to use after taking showers with him many times before. You mixed up the two substances and put the shampoo bottle back on his shelf of your bathroom cupboard. The next day Louis got up pretty early because he had to go to an interview. He had completely forgotten that it was April 1st so he didn't suspect a thing. You fell down in bed again for another ten minutes listening to the water going through the pipes until you became tense when it stopped. You propped yourself up on your elbows getting ready for what was to come. And sure enough it came, "(Y/N)!" You heard Louis roar from the other room. You were actually starting to get a bit scared. He came into the room with a white fluffy towel wrapped round his tanned hips showing off his v-lines. However, despite how sexy his body was you immediately burst out laughing when you saw his bright pink hair. "What the fuck is this!" Louis yelled, pointing at his hair even though you were only a few feet away from him. You attempted to hold back you giggles so ended up sitting on the edge of the bed holding your nose, bright red.

Harry: Because Harry was really protective over you and never wanted you to get hurt you thought up the perfect plan. It didn't require any extra props, all you needed was for Harry to be downstairs at the right time. You awoke in the morning to Harry staring at your face. "Morning babe, wondered if you would like some breakfast in bed today." Because of Harry being the cheeky boy he is you got a bit suspicious because he would never miss out on a chance to prank someone but you thought it would be the prefect opportunity to get him downstairs so you agreed. After he had gone down you quickly got up and walking over to the door. Suddenly you slammed it and screamed "Harry, help me!" as loud as you could, trying not to laugh. Downstairs when Harry heard you he dropped everything he was holding and raced up the stairs towards your shared bedroom. When he saw you rolling around on the floor laughing he breathed a sigh of relief and it only took a few milliseconds for him to work out how to get you back. He grabbed the handcuffs out of his draw and slung you over his shoulder walking over to the bed. "Harry, put me down!" You shrieked squirming around. "No chance!" He replied dropping you onto the bed but still holding your wrists above you head. After that you two had a very long night.

Niall: You went downstairs after coming out of your nice, warm shower to see Niall curled up in a ball on the couch sniffling. You walked over to him only wearing your underwear and one of Niall's tops and said, "Ni, babe what's wrong?" He looked up at you with watery eyes which made your heart melt. He was just so cute when he was upset about something. "Um..." He started but trailed off wiping his nose with the back of his hand. "Please tell me babe." You asked and that's when he answered. "Nando's closed!" He yelled starting to cry. "What?" You asked slightly confused. Niall was now full on crying in his hands now, or so you thought. You couldn't believe he was getting this worked up over a restaurant closing. You heard him mumble something so you leaned closer to him so you could listen properly. "Tricked you," he whispered starting to laugh. You pulled that 'are you actually kidding me right now' look towards him and it just made him laugh harder. You hit him playfully and congratulated him on his acting skills as you had thought he had been actually crying before. You spent the rest of the day snuggling in mountains of blankets and pillows.

Zayn: On the morning of April 1st you woke up early and went down stairs to start preparing for your little plan. You didn't really have to get up that early because it takes Zayn ages to wake up anyway, and even longer without someone bouncing on top of him. You got an ice cube out of the fridge and wiped it over your lips making them cold and a bit blue. You held the ice on for a little longer before you heard Zayn stir upstairs. You quickly disposed of the ice and laid down on the floor in a sprawled out position. Zayn came down the stairs rather slowly but almost tripled his speed when he saw you lying limply on the ground. "OMG (Y/N)/" He questioned but you stayed completely still. Zayn started to panic. "Um babe please wake up I've got (Y/F/F) for you." He bent down and rested his head against you stomach and when you held your breath and he thought you weren't breathing he picked up his phone. Just as he was about to request which service he would like you sprang up and shouted, "April fool's!" Zayn dropped his phone and pulled you in for a tight hug and started whispering things like I thought I'd lost you.

Hey directioners!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm soooooooooooo sorry that I didn't update yesterday like I said I would but my dad took my laptop away but this is it! BOOM. Tonight I might get my iPod back cuz I've been a 'good girl' so I might update later on tonight if I do get it back. Also it's fffffffrrrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiidddddddddddddaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!! Let's partay!!!!!!

So yeah please give me suggestions or requests you don't know how grateful I would be.




Get a pink Mohawk?


-Olivia xox:0)

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