Scary movies

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Liam: Liam and you don't watch many horror movies but when you do Liam pulls you into his chest and lets you rest your head on it. You don't get massively scared by the films but when you do Liam whispers things in your ear like, "Don't worry it's not real, you'll be safe." Which makes you relax and feel secure in his arms.

Louis: You and Louis just start laughing when the supposedly scary bits of the movie came on. Neither of you thought the scenes were scary and when things jumped out in front of people with weird faces you just cracked up.

Harry: You and Harry both cower behind cushions. Piling them in front of your faces preventing you from seeing anything on the screen. You both get scared going upstairs in the dark after the film's ended so you sometimes sleep on the floor downstairs surrounded by the cushions and blankets you had before leaving all the lights on.

Niall: Instead of him cuddling you and letting you hide you face in the crook of his neck he does that to you. You silently coo at his adorableness when he's scared. You know he doesn't like it but because of his cute reactions you watch more and more horror films cuddling him and treating him like a child.

Zayn: Zayn inserts horror movies into the DVD player all the time despite your mumbles about being scared. You curl into him on the couch with a big bowl of popcorn. At the really terrifying bits you end up spilling it all over the floor and digging your nails into Zayn. He doesn't mind but afterwards when it's dark upstairs he gets you back making you scream and run off to turn all the lights in the house on.

Hello little fishies!

Sorry I haven't updated for aged but I was working on a couple of long ones and this was just a quick one as you could probably tell.

OMG im so excited about midnight memories!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH I cant wait, and before you tell me I know its been leaked but im going to stay true to the boys and wait till its been properly released.

Nothing really interesting has happened in my life recently so yeah........... tell me if your life is interesting id like to know. ;0)




Disect youreslf

Okay that one was completely random and I don't even know anymore......

hwyl fawr (welsh for goodbye btw)

-Olivia xoxoxoxoxoxoxox ::)))))))) (okay that looks a bit weird:/ )

Oh! That's a cute one :/) awww


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