Piggy backs and mountains

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Liam: You and Liam had been hiking all day you had stopped for lunch but that was the only rest you had had, you'd also drank all of your water so you were also in the process of dying of thirst. You were walking up a really steep bit and you just couldn't handle it anymore so you flopped down on the ground and started slowly sobbing. Liam, who was about ten metres ahead of you heard you and came running down thinking you'd hurt yourself but started lowly chuckling when you complained that you were too tired and sweaty to walk any further up a god damn mountain. He swiftly scooped you up into his arms and settled you onto his back like a baby koala. You gripped on tightly and he started walking on, further up the steep mountain. You honestly had no idea how he did that carrying your extra weight as well.

Louis: You and Louis had decided to go camping over the weekend. Lou woke you up early from your tent and said he wanted you to come for a walk with him. You had got dressed but you were doing the walk before breakfast as well so you didn't get a stitch. You were half asleep, struggling to keep your eyes open. At one point you actually did fall asleep while walking but jolted awake as soon as you felt yourself falling towards the ground. Louis picked you up and put you onto his back and carried on up the hill. You quickly became unconcious and Louis started talking to you, even though you were asleep, telling you all things he loved about you.

Harry: "Harry," you whined as you trailed after him up the grassy hill. You had some fun last night and were feeling tired and sore. "Harry!" you repeated, louder this time. He turned his head and body around slowly coming to a stop in front of you. "Are you a bit tired from walking up here after last night?" he asked in a patronising voice, a smirk playing around on his lips. "Yeah, um could you carry me please?" You asked trying your best to give him puppy dog eyes. His eyes softened and he jogged over to you picking you up. You gripped his neck and swung round onto his back to make it more comfortable for you. He carried you right to the top and you both had a race back down after he had got his energy back from carrying you up there.

Niall: You, Niall and the rest of the boys finaly reached the top of the hill. After a picnic and a rest the boys started getting hyper. You were too running around screaming with Niall. Harry had a race idea where everyone gets into pairs and one gives the other one a piggy back down the hill, whoever wins gets a 'prize' and the losers probably have something to do with that 'prize'. After he finished explaining he suddenly screaming,"I'm with Louis!" and hopped onto Louis' back ruffling his hair and giggling like some kind of cute child. You went on Niall and Zayn went on Liam, although he was constantly taking his role as 'daddy direction' and saying that someone was going to get hurt. The race started and Niall bolted down the hill trying to get past Louis and Harry. Harry was screaming at Lou to go faster while Liam and Zayn were way behind because of 'safety precautions'.

Zayn: You had been complaining about the long walk you were going on all afternoon and Zayn was being big headed saying that he could pull a truck up this mountain easily and that this walk was nothing compaired to other things. "Why don't you carry me then, mr my head wont even fit through the door anymore Malik?" You shouted having enough of him and the stupid walk. You didn't expect him to comply but he happily picked you up and threw you over his left shoulder, tickling you as well. You laughed and instantly forgave him carrying on up the mountain.

Hello fishies!

This great idea was requested by one of my best friends on wattpad...................................KhaoulitaKhouinita!!! (Kayla) you should go check out some of her books they are just amazayn (heehee)

going to pizza hut with ma homees in a bit :)




Follow your mum/dad around the house humming the jaws theme tune

bye bye-are you bi? (has anyone else seen that thing where harry say that to lou? comment if you have dunno if im the only one)

-Olivia xxxxxxxxooooooooooooxxxxxxxxxxxxxoooooooooooooooxxxxxxxxxxoooooooooooo

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