Funfair Rides

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Liam: The ferris wheel. You were scared to go on the huge ferris wheel at first but you agreed anyway because of Liam's puppy dog eyes, I mean who can say no to that? Liam promised that you wouldn't fall and die or get stuck at the top but you were still petrified. While you two were on the ride you clung to Liam like a baby and being the gentleman he is he wrapped his arms protectively around you and spoke to you soothingly. By the time your seat had reached the top you were quite comfortable with being with Liam so you looked around and marvelled at the sight of all the tiny people below you. "See, I told you it wouldn't be that bad," Liam said to you as you stepped out off the ride. "Yes, you were right," you replied defeated. As you walked through the heavy crowds Liam started listing all the times he had been right throughout your relationship, this list carried on for literally the whole day.

Louis: The bumper karts. You and Louis decided to go in different carts so you could ram each other and have some sort of competition. Of course Louis had a massive smile on his face and was extremely excitable about the rides, games and sweet food. You two had your eyes on each other the whole time you were driving around. At first, you bumped into Louis a couple of times but when you crashed into the side of the area Louis gained a lot of space and started charging after you. He really did look like a maniac and you were glad that he didn't drive on the road like that. After Louis had forcefully crashed into you multiple times the ride attendant asked him to leave because of his 'immature and inappropriate behaviour.'

Harry: Those really high swingy things which are really scary (didn't really know what they're called as you can probably tell). You and Harry both loved thrilling rides at the funfair so when you entered you both walked in the same direction to the biggest ride there was. After you had bought your tickets you walked up the steps and sat in two seats next to one another. Throughout the ride both of you were screaming and had your arms in the air. When you got off both of your voices hurt because of how much the speaker had asked you, "scream if you want to go faster." Harry had some days off after that because of vocal rest which was needed so you cuddled under blankets all week while watching films and eating bucket after bucket of ice cream.

Niall: Hook a duck. As soon as you saw it you had your heart set on a fluffy unicorn which had white fur and a long, pink mane and tail (yes, I have watched despicable me). It was one of the prizes for hook a duck. In order to have it you would have to get three ducks which had the same colour underneath. You pulled out big puppy dog eyes and walked over to Niall, tugging on his jumper to get his attention. "Ni Ni, pwease can you get that unicorn for me?" You pleaded using your best innocent and cute voice. He rolled his eyes and walked over to the stand, man handed him a stick with a rusted, metal hook on the end and told him what he needed to do. Niall called you over and asked you which ducks you wanted him to pull out. Sadly, you made the wrong decisions and didn't get the unicorn but Niall, being the best boyfriend in the whole saved the day and asked the man at the stall how much it would be to buy the unicorn. You w

alked home hand in hand with him, cuddling your new toy.

Zayn: The ghost train. At first you thought Zayn was alright riding on the ghost train. When you asked him he seemed a bit hesitant but nodded and smiled, agreeing to go on it with you. After all, it wasn't going to be terrifying as children as young as three were being let on. You sat by Zayn throughout the ride although you couldn't see him because of the darkness inside the tunnel. A few skeletons and mummies jumped but nothing majorly scary happened as you had anticipated. You got of the ride, Zayn looked fine so you assumed everything was okay. "Did you see that zombie thing with red paint all over it?" You asked him bursting into a fit of giggles over the memory. He agreed quietly as the two of you walked around to look at the photos which had been taken. "(Y/N), we don't need to see the pictures do we?" Zayn asked, trying to persuade you to walk away from the photo stand. "Oh come on, it'll be funny," you answered pulling him back towards you. Then your photo came on the screen. You burst out laughing and people turned to stare at you, wondering what was wrong with you. On the screen was Zayn cowering in the cart with both of his hands covering his eyes. You bought several things with the photo printed on and had them all around the house so you could laugh at them every day. Of curse, when anyone came round to your house and saw them Zayn was humiliated.


I haven't updated in ages I'm sowwy :(


Vas happnin'

I bought have price revels in the shop before and ate them while writing this and then chucked the packet in the bin and realized they were tweny four days out of date.

I didn't feel very good after that.

OMG! it snowed for like five minutes and then melted and I was like: OMG SNOW XD oh it's gone :(

I would have a crying emoji but im on my laptop so I cant have the one thing that I want in life.

Hwyl fawr!



Follow meeeeeeeeee

Check the best before date on food BEFORE you buy and eat it.

-Olivia xoxoxoxoxoxoxox \(._.)/

Ciao Babes :*

ALSO I nearly forgot, ( I published it then renembered) That this fabulouis idea was given to me by the extraordinharry............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ PaigeD14!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111

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