15. Sick

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Haru, you look really hot in those clothes.

What? You love me?! Oh my god, I feel the same way!


Jade was woken up by a sneeze.

I'll kill the person who woke me up from this dream.

Jade changed her clothes quickly and stepped out of the tent. She went to the place where the sneezes went from. When she reached Jame's tent, she realised that it was him sneezing.

Well crap, I can't kill James.

"Hey James, is everything alright?" She asked.

"Jade? Yeah yeah, everything's fine... Achoo!"

"Well it doesn't sound like it. Can I come in your tent?"

"Ugh... Yeah?"

Jade unzipped the tent and gasped when she saw James. He was really pale, his eyes were red, he was sneezing unstoppably.

"Hey why are you making that weird face?" James asked.

"Because you look like a corpse!"

"I'm fine."

"No you're not, you're sick."

"I'm not sick. I never get sick."

"Don't you dare train me today! You need to rest. And it's not that warm today, put on a blanket."

"Jade," James tried to stop her while she was putting a blanket on him.

"Don't try to stop me. You're not working today. Now stay here, I'll ask others if they have any medicine."

Jade went to Hazel's tent, she was probably the only one who had medicine. Jade called her name, but no one responded. She unzipped the tent and saw that Hazel was not in the tent.

I overslept again, didn't I?

Jade came back to James, because it was obvious that no one is in the camp.

"Okay mister, let's go get you some fresh air," Jade said.

"Ugh," James wasn't able to say anything but that. He got his blanket off and was ready to step outside.

"Where do you think you're going without your blanket?"

"But I feel so hot."

"I don't care, it's cold outside."

James hesitated to get his blanket, but eventually he did. Jade told him to sit on a log. Jade found some firewood and put it in the burnt out fire. She found two sticks and started rubbing them together.

"Ummm... Jade, what are you doing?" James asked.

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm trying to make fire of course."

"You're aware that we have matches right?"

Jade put the sticks down. "Pshhhht. Of course I'm aware. I just wanted to make the fire in a fun way. Um... Where exactly are the matches?" Jade blushed.

"They are in the supply tent," James said.

When Jade got the matches she finally made fire.

"So are you hungry?" She asked.

"A little bit."

"I'll get you some leftover meat."

Jade got some food for James and came back. She never saw someone eating so fast.

"Slow down buddy, it's not like you haven't eaten for years," she said.

After James finished the meal, they both sat in awkward silence. Well, it was awkward to Jade, because she liked talking. She had an idea, she'll tell about herself to James so they wouldn't be quiet. She told him almost all of her life story. Jade wasn't a reserved person and she loved talking. She didn't know how she missed talking until now. Jade didn't talk a lot when she didn't have any friends. James listened to her and sat silently. Jade wasn't sure if he was even listening. After she finished, she had another great idea.

"I'm going to the forest for a bit, don't go anywhere," she said.

She remembered about these flowers that her mother boiled for her when Jade was sick. Her mother got them from the forest so she will probably find them here.

After some searching, she finally found them. And she actually didn't get lost.

"I found them!" She shouted with her hands full of flowers, running to James.

She stopped and covered her mouth. James was asleep and she almost woke him up with her shouting. He was lying on the log, it looked awfully uncomfortable. Jade took his pillow from his tent and put it under his head. She sat down near him and listened to the chirping birds. After a while, James got up.

"How did this pillow get here?" He asked confused.

"I put it there. Oh and look, now I can boil these flowers for you."

"Um. I don't want to be poisoned."

"You won't be. I promise."

"Oh my god," James looked even more pale.

"What's wrong?" Jade asked concerned.

And then he puked on her shoes.

Jade gagged a bit, she didn't take puking very well. But she was able not to do the same as James.

"I'm-I'm so sorry," he looked really disappointed with himself.

"It's-It's fine. Really. It's not your fault. I'll go change my shoes."

Jade tried to not look at her feet because she won't be able to hold in her gag if she does. She changed her shoes and threw the gross ones to the forest.

"I'm back," she said when she returned to James.

"You know what, maybe I'll take that flower tea of yours," James said.

Jade made him the tea and he drank all of it.

"It's still early, but I think I'll go to sleep now," James said and tried to stand up, but almost fell.

"Wait, I'll help you," Jade rushed to him and put one of his arms on her neck. "When others come I'll tell them not to wake you okay?"

"You really don't need to do that."

"I still will," she got him to his tent and the minute James got there, he fell asleep.

Jade waited for others to come back and told them to be quiet so that James wouldn't wake up. After that she went to sleep.

In the morning she visited Jame's tent, he wasn't sick anymore. But Jade didn't let him work today, because he may get sick again. She didn't let James work the next day too. She spent the days helping Danielle. When she came back with Danielle the second day, she knew that tomorrow she'll have to train again because James is a lot better now.

When everyone went to sleep, Jade stayed by the fire. It was really pretty to look at. It got hot again and it was really hot to sit by the fire, but she didn't mind.


Jade was startled and almost fell.

"I'm sorry, I didn't want to scare you," it was James.

"Oh you-you didn't scare me!"

"I need you to go somewhere with me," James whispered.

A/N: Hey guys! Sorry I didn't update on Tuesday, I was not at home, so I uploaded two parts today. Hope you're having a great day, bye! ^-^

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