She's Into Drummers (Ashton Irwin Fanfic)

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Chapter 1

DISCLAIMER: I was 16 when I started this story & I was fairly new to writing & I didn't really understand some things. So YES the first half of this book may be a little cringe-y. I feel like my writing has improved IMMENSELY so please don't let the "cringiness" scare you! -jenna

This is it. A brand spanking new life.

My sweaty hand pulls open the door to my new school.

Teens crowd the narrow hallway and it smells faintly of... Vanilla body spray and lunch meat? So far, Los Angeles Prep does not smell "appeasing."

I push my way through the loud, chattering teens. Finally, I make it to the fairly vacated office with only a few death glares and sharp elbows to my side.

"Hi. I'm new." I huff to a lady behind a light brown desk.

I really need to start working out. I'm out of breath and all I did was walk to the school office.

The woman behind the desk looks young. Upper 20s maybe? Her red, dyed hair fell pin straight just past her shoulders and her baby blue eyes shined behind her black rimmed glasses. Her wrinkle-free, flawless face looks up at me.

"Name?" She asks.

"Jordyn Ellis." I respond, tapping my foot nervously. I only got to pick two classes; Filmaking and Songwriting. The rest the school filled in for me.

"Ah yes. Here's your schedule." She hands me a piece of white paper with six classes lined up. "You have homeroom with Jermaine. She's in room 107."

"Thank you."

"No problem." She smiles and returns back to her paperwork. I glance at the white sheet I'm holding.

It determines my fate for my senior year of high school.

My heart skips a beat.

Homeroom: Jermaine 107

1st: Filmmaking Jermaine 107

2nd: AP Biology Nathans 115

3rd: Honors Calculus Adams 132

4th: Advanced Art Thomas 135

5th: Songwriting Beverly 112

6th: 20th Century Paine 103

2nd Lunch

Not bad.

I turn around and walk back into the sea of high schoolers. The bell has just rung and people are scurrying to get to homeroom. I make my way down the hallway and find Room 107. To my dismay, kids are already in their seats, talking away to their neighbors.

"Hi, I'm Jordyn Ellis. The new transfer student." I tell the blonde-haired woman at the front of the classroom.

"Hi, nice to meet you Jordyn. I'm Miss Jermaine. You'll end up sitting behind Alex." She says in a thick, Scottish accent while pointing to a lanky, blonde boy. The boy was wearing a blue striped polo and dark, khaki shorts.

"Stay here though. You'll need to introduce yourself first."

My heart sinks at that last part.

Why do teachers feel the need to humiliate their new students on their first day?

The final bell rings and the announcements over the intercom begin.

My heart begins to race. Is introducing myself really necessary?

"Good morning class." Miss Jermaine smiles once announcements are over. She sits on the edge of her desk and folds her arms over her chest.

"Good morning." The whole class responds in a monotone voice.

"I want everyone to meet our new transfer student, Jordyn Ellis." I give a small wave to the thirty or so teenagers that sit before me. "How old are you Jordyn?"

"I'll be 18 in two months."

"Where are you from?"


"Favorite hobby?"

"Making short films."

"What is your opinion on school?"

School is hell. Hell is school. Why in hell would you ask me a stupid question like that?

I roll my eyes.

"Love it." Sarcasm drips in my voice. A few kids snicker at my response.

"What do you look for in a boy?"

"Um...?" My cheeks turn redder than a tomato.

"Is your family rich?" She prods deeper.

"Um...that's super personal..." I drift off.

"Alright, well, you can take a seat now." She ignores my last response and motions back towards that Alex kid.

All thirty pairs of eyes were on me as I made my way to my seat.


They've never seen a girl wear an oversized band shirt, ripped camo skinny jeans, or combat boots before?

Clearly not.

My comic book print backpack makes a clunk as it hits the off-white tiles.

"That last question was used to prove a point in today's lecture. We'll be discussing documentaries." Miss Jermaine begins.

I slide down in my chair. As much as I love filmmaking, it's going to be a long day.

Kill me now.





Author's Note:

Here's the first chapter of my Ashton Irwin fanfic. The boys should be in chapter 2 or 3. If you like it, rate and comment maybe? I love feedback.

Love, Jenna

P.S. The copyright for this book/story belongs to me. Please notify me if you see someone stealing my work and I'll take care if it.

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