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Cora walked through the woods towards an old oak tree. Inside the basket, she was carrying was a beautiful baby girl with emerald green eyes. Cora looked down at her with sorrow. There was no trace of regret in her eyes. She had to do this. It was what was best for her. She smiled as baby Zelena looked up at her giggling. Poor Girl, she had no idea what was happening. 

Cora stood up straight and continued walking into the forest. Storm clouds gathered overhead. The wind blew against her face ever so softly. Finally, she had reached her destination. She carefully placed Zelena on the ground.

A tear rolled down her cheek as she looked at the baby she was giving away. Softly, she whispered, "I'm sorry pretty baby. But I have to do what's best for me." The baby cried out as her mother prepared to get up.

Cora looked at the sky she could easily tell a cyclone was brewing. The wind grew faster and whipped her face as she walked away from the crying baby. There was no looking back now. The cyclone was too close.

Cora turned around in time to see the cyclone carry off Zelena, still crying.


"Did you hear that?" a woman with brown hair asked her husband. "Hear what? It's just the wind," he replied. The woman shook her head in response. She Had heard something. The cry came again. She followed the sound. She stopped when at the source. The woman looked around.

Nothing out of the ordinary just trees. The wind blew her hair in her face. The woman looked down as she brushed it back. There among the grass was a beautiful baby girl with emerald green eyes. The woman's husband joined her as the woman said, "Look it's a baby." She reached down and picked up the baby. 

She cradled it in her arms. It was so beautiful so innocent. She looked at her husband smiling. "Can we keep her?" He frowned as he watched the baby. He heard a soft crack. The man looked up just in time to see a big branch fall. Mid-air it stopped.

Terrified he glanced down. The baby had her hand out. It appeared as though she was controlling the branch. She flung her arm to the side, with that the branch did the same. The baby saved them.

"No, she's wicked," he told his wife. "She's no such thing she's just a baby," she cooed in response.

"She moved that branch," he told her, fear filling his voice. "It was just the wind, honey." the woman paused. "We're keeping her. Now come on, we'll never make it to Oz at this rate." Together they turned back onto the yellow brick road.

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