Chapter Fourteen

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Each step felt like it weighed a million pounds. The wagons were only a little further ahead. Sorrow weighed me down. I had to leave. A tear escaped my eye. The only people I had thought of as a family I had to leave. That's where I was going. I had to tell them. Nothing would make me change my mind. I couldn't allow them to search. They had to continue on.

Each twig crackled. My feet dragged along the ground. It wasn't there. Now the wagons were feet away but Hook had already seen me. "Zelena," he greeted eagerly. "Where were you?" I focused on the ground. "I'm leaving." His eyes widened but he nodded. 

"Okay," he breathed. Shocked I looked at him. "I saw this coming for awhile now. Thank you for you help." He pulled me into a hug. I gulped. What if Rumpelstiltskin made them forget me? It'd make sense. Throw them off track.Pulling away, I took in a breath. "Goodbye," I whispered. I didn't wait for his response. I couldn't. It'd make me want to stay. 

I walked through the wagons. The men were clashing there cups together, cheering. They were happy unlike me. I knew we were drawing closer to our destination. Everything was growing darker yet the sun was up. The men seemed unfazed. Maybe they couldn't see it. 

"Zelena!" I turned to see the handsome face of jonathan approaching. I smiled slightly. My eyes red from fighting off the tears. Occasionally one would slip out. "I'm leaving," I uttered. A gentle breeze stirred, growing stronger. My reddish locks blowing with the wind. Revealing my eyes. Jonathan stepped forward, his hand cupping my cheek. 

His action left my face tingling. I stepped back. Taking in a shaky breath, I said, "I'm leaving." His mouth gaped open. Those gorgeous eyes of his showed his hurt. "I have too. This journey is something I need to do alone. To finish alone. Goodbye, Jonathan." Turning I walked past the last wagon. "Zelena," his voice called out. I turned but he said nothing. He was at a loss for words. Sighing I continued.

Now that I was alone I let the tears fall freely. My hand shaky, I grabbed the compass. Tear drops splattered across the glass. The arrow pointed East. Tucking it away, I looked at the forest. I guess I'll have to stray from the path. Above the clouds were darker. Not rain cloud dark just dark. They were still a distance away. 

Pushing aside the branches I stepped in. The forest was thick, the floor was lined with brush. But barely visible was a path. The ground was slightly trodden and the brush wasn't as thick. Instead of the path being straight forward it wound around the trees. I tried running it but I quickly grew tired. My tears were drying. There was lines on my face from where they streamed.

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