Chapter Twenty-Five

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"Hello Dearie," a voice said awakening me. Swiftly, I tucked the flower further out of sight. Rubbing my eyes, I groggily stood. My legs fragile and weak. My whole body trembled as my weary eyes searched for the oh so familiar voice. I knew who it was, there was no doubt. But it was one who I had wished not to see. I racked my brain for a reason he'd seek me out. Then it came down onto me like waves crashing against the shore. The flower wasn't mine. It was his. I retrieved it for him. 

Groaning I clutched my hair. What a fool I am! Putting myself in such danger, for what? A beast! A hideous, cruel beast? Shaking my head, my hair swung. Flecks of dust fell. Prying open my eyes, I took in the landscape. No sign of the sickly green man. A sigh caught short in my throat. This man had magic. He could easily disappear and reappear. No, this wasn't safe.  I paced back and forth beside the creek. My mind was a mess. I hadn't properly eaten or drunken in days and I'm afraid it was taking its toll. Drawing closer to the bank, I muttered, "hush little voices, hush. I' safe. I'm safe..."

Carefully, I eased myself downward. On hands and knees, I crawled to the river bank, eyeing the water like a hungry animal ready to pounce. Sitting beside the water, I trailed my fingertips across the water's surface. Leaning down, I drank greedily. Lapping at the water, even taking breaks to splash myself with it. Slowly I became oblivious to my surroundings. The thought of Rumpelstiltskin had left my mind entirely. 

I hummed a soft tune as I pulled away from the water. My hair was now entirely soaked. I sighed a breath of relief. Freedom has never tasted so sweet. But then the thought returned. I was not free. Rumpelstiltskin had awoken me from my slumber. He was nearby, I could almost hear his childish laugh. "Rumpelstiltskin, show yourself," I demanded. Rage filled my voice. I was tired of the games. I had wasted so much time for him and what for? Because I was lonely? Because I had nothing better to do? Such stupid reasons they were now? I could've died.

"Do you have it," his voice rang out. I turned to see his gold and green skin reflecting the rising sun. "What do you want it for?" "Just wanna save it for a rainy day," he replied. He grinned showing his yellowed teeth. I cringed slightly. For a moment I wondered if anyone had ever loved this man, for who could love such a hideous beast? I shook my head. "What does it matter to you? Chances are we'll never meet again. So hand it over," his high-pitched voice rang growing darker with each word. 

I wanted to resist but this man had great power. Power I wanted. Reluctantly I handed over the flower. I wonder what it took to get such a power. It was no secret he was a dark one. But how did he obtain it? I had heard legends but whose to say what's truth and what isn't?  He giggled as he stared at the flower. Even from this distance, I could see the power pulsating. "Goodbye, Zelena." Grinning, he twirled his hand. Purple smoke encased him and then he was gone leaving me alone once more. 

Whisking my hand, I envisioned the cherry tree overhanging the water. As I opened my eyes, my feet once more were set down upon the soft grass. I smiled, nothing could hurt me here. I forgot how much I missed this place. My fingertips trailed along the trunk. Above the cherries were beginning to die. At least I was home, not the house I grew up in, but the place mother and I would go, my favorite place in the whole world.

Thank you so much for reading! I'm afraid this is the end of the book. I'm so grateful for the votes, comments I have received about this book. It means a lot to me that you guys liked it! 

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