Chapter Twenty

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I stood still. The icy wind pushed my red hair back. Before me stood a pond. It's gentle waves lapping at the shore. Beauty reflected back at me. The sky above was blue, surrounded by clouds. Shining at us was the sun. Trees lined the shoreline. Peering closer, an island seemed to materialize. Small but it radiated beauty. 

Everything in me told me to move forward. There is the flower, I was sure of it. Despite how much I willed them, my legs wouldn't move into the water, stopping abruptly at the water's edge. Bending down, my fingers trailed across the waters edge. Cupping my hands, I pulled the water to my lips. Greedily I lapped at the clear blue. 

I sighed. This was taking to long. Carefully, I pushed my head underwater. Eyes closed, mouth open. I sucked in the water. Cool and refreshing. The sky darkened to a deep blue as I pulled my head up. Gasping for breath, I watched the atmosphere shift. The sun disappeared into the clouds. The wind ceased to blow. The colors surrounding the pond, darkened. 

"The flower remains," the dark voice rang. Repeating, each time from another direction, surrounding me. It wasn't a reassurance, but a threat. Chuckling, I looked at the water. My fear dissolving. This place once radiated beauty now radiated darkness. In the center of the island, a golden glow emerged. From here, I could feel it's power. Gradually it took over me. Showing visions of war, and death. A message meant to send fear. But I did not fall into its trap. 

The shadows loomed towards me. It was as though the forest was trying to intimidate me. But something else fueled me. Determination, anger. Fighting my instinct to run, I held my ground. I had not come all this way to give up so easy. To give up to fear of a forest. It all seemed rather silly, like a trick.

But I was not going to fall for it. I was stronger this. How hard could it be? It's not like the forest can fight back. Chuckling, I stepped into the water. A deep, emotionless chuckle continued to make sound from my throat. The cool water lapped at me, in a feeble attempt to push me away.I smiled knowing I was winning.

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