Chapter Nine

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As the town grew, my eyes drooped. I wanted to see it but my exhaustion weighed me down. Crawling to the back, I laid down. Slowly my eyes closed.

I awoke to water being splashed down at me. Groaning I sat up. Scanning the wagon, I looked for a bucket. There. I looked up at the culprit. He left me in a trance. It was Jonathan. "Sorry Zelena but it's a rule. All new crew members had to be doused with water within a day's arrival. No exceptions," his grin told me he wasn't truly sorry.

I looked around. Our wagon was surrounded by people in the middle of a crowded road. Buildings were everywhere. Jonathan sat beside me. I glanced in his direction before facing ahead once again. "Where's Hook?" I asked. "Up front with Pete. He asked me to keep an eye out for you while he was gone." Jonathan responded shrugging.

Slowly I rose to my feet and hopped off the wagon. Looking around I searched for a way out of town. I needed the peace and quiet of nature. I'd come back to Hook and his crew. I made my way out between the cars. 

Once out of the wagons view I ran to an opening in a field. I could hear a gentle stream nearby.  Carefully I found my way to it and sat down. It reminded me of the stream back home. Sadness overwhelmed me. I felt more like a lost girl than myself. I no longer had any family and was a great distance from home.

Grabbing my bag, I pulled out the silver compass. It's arrow pointed Northwest. A slightly different course than the men were going. They headed Northeast and showed no sign of going west.I shook my head. If I went back I'd have to tell them. They'd laugh, who would I be to tell them orders. I worked with them or rather for them.

"What you got there?" Jonathan's voice came out of the shadows. In response I jumped, startled. I whirled around with an accusing glare. "None of your business. Why are you here? Did you follow me?" I angrily questioned. Chuckling he said, "Duh, Hook told me to keep an eye out for you. I promised him I would and I'm a man of my promise." I groaned this man was so stubborn. Confidently he walked over to me and sat down. "What's that?" he repeated. "A compass, what else?" I replied back, full of sass.

In response he rolled his eyes. He looked at me. His eyes staring intently into mine. He was so mesmerizing. "So.... you gonna tell me why you're out here and not with the crew?"

I looked at him before staring intently at the water. "I came here to clear my mind. I just needed to get out of the city it was overwhelming. It didn't feel right to stay there. I just wanted to be alone," I replied. "I get that," he said looking down.

I looked at him searching his eyes. All I saw was sincerity. He meant what he said. I smiled. "What's your story?"  Jonathan looked at me intently. "My mother died when I was young and my father abandoned me. I was lost. I had no one and nothing. Killian found me. He took me in and treated me as a son. He even taught me how to sail. There are days when all I can think about is my family. On those days I just want to shut the world out and be alone. So I get what you're feeling." He said with a sigh.

"Thank you." He looked startled by my response. "What," he questioned. "Thank you for telling me. I'm not much more than a stranger yet you confided in me. It's comforting to see I'm not the only parentless person around." I told him. Jonathan chuckled. "There are more men in Hook's crew than just me who have similar stories. Something happened to all of us to make us want to be pirates. We didn't just wake up one day and decided this is the life we want to live. It was all by chance." 

The thought was comforting. I tucked away my compass. I was sure I'd fall for the boy before me. Jonathan was so easy to talk to, so easy to be with. Not at all hard on the eyes either. Slowly he got up and extended his hand. "I think it's best we get going," he said answering my thoughts. Graciously I took it.

Half-way there I paused. With a swipe in my hand I was encased by a green cloud of smoke. When it disappeared I was in an entirely new and clean dress. Smiling I ran to catch up with him. We walked in silence. Every now and then I'd see him glance over at me. 

Looking down I saw how close our hands were from having contact. Slowly I traced my hand along his. Without a moment's hesitation he intertwined his hands with mine. I felt like one of the lovestruck girl's I read about in my books.

I never wanted this to end. But I knew it would. Things wouldn't be so easy. It felt like the calm before a storm. That all this good would be gone replaced with evil. This invaded my thoughts. I did my best to push them out but how long would it last? 

The first buildings came into view. This short lived joy would soon be replaced.Slowly I brought my hands back to my sides. As I did this my smile faded. The perfect moment was over. The journey was back on. 

We arrived in town sooner than I would have liked. "Zelena," Pete's voice bellowed out. Pete eyed Jonathan suspiciously before facing me. "The Captain will be glad you returned. Go find him, would you? He'd like to discuss the route we must take." he told me. "Sure," I responded. I headed in the direction Pete had pointed to.

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