Chapter Six

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 There was silence. "Is--Is he dead?" "Yes," Rumpelstiltskin happily responded.  "What did you do?" "I killed him." The way he said that sounded so sinister and joyful, it sent a shiver down my spine. It felt like something inside me changed once I had confirmation that my father was dead . I stood up straight. 

"Thank you," I muttered. There was so much joy now, but inside that was regret. Very thin and hardly noticeable but I could feel the regret lingering inside me. He was my father afterall. No matter how harsh he was, or how much he hated me. He had still taken care of me even after my mother passed away. Her passing had only made his hatred grow. He blamed me for her death but besides all that he still made sure I had food. A small part of him still cared.

"I thought you would've been happier," the scaly man before me said. "I am, I am. It's just that-" "Just what?" he responded with anger and curiosity. "I don't know," I sheepishly admitted. "What will you do now?" Rumpelstiltskin asked. What will I do? I had only thought of the present as this all unfolded. Not once had I given a single thought to what had happened. Seeing how unsure I was he said, "My offer still stands you can become my apprentice. It may take time for you to accept. Years maybe, but one way or another you will. It's only up to you at what time you shall." 

I couldn't bear to look at the man who killed my father much longer. Sure this had been what I wanted but it didn't feel right.I whisked my hand and watch a cloud of green smoke encase me. I stood inside my home. 

The tears had long ago dried. I no longer felt sad but empowered. No longer did I have to hide my powers. I looked in the mirror, my emerald green eyes glistening. My orangish red hair knotted. I smoothed out my waves. I stepped away and examined the room. 

This place no longer felt like home but a cage. I didn't want to stay. But I had nowhere to go, I was alone, stuck. I didn't want to accept his offer but maybe I had to. "Hello again, dearie." Rumpelstiltskins voice filled me with unease. Why was he still here? Shouldn't he have left by now? "What?" I groaned.

"I have a proposition for you." I glanced at him interested. He continued on. "I need you to do something for me. If you do it I will owe you a favor and that doesn't happen very often, dearie." Partially interested, I responded, "And what is this task you speak of?" Giggling he said, " I need you to travel to a place far from here. Still in Oz but a place where rarely anyone goes to. There's a very rare flower I need you to acquire." 

That's it? His big mission he wants me to go on is to get a flower? "Why don't you do it yourself?" "I can't tell you that, dearie. If I do you'd no longer be eligible. Do you accept?" What else do I have to do? It was only me now and I had no plans for the future. "Yes."

Rumplestiltskin's odd giggling filled the house. There was certainly more at play here than I'd like to admit. Still I prepared for my journey. I went to my room and gathered anything I treasured. Which wasn't much. I had a few outfits in my bag and a doll. Sure I was too old for one but it meant a lot. My mother had given me it when I was younger. It was all I had left of her. "Hurry dearie, we don't have much time," his voice echoed from down the hall. I rolled my eyes. He was immortal he had all the time in the world as for I, I was still young. I had plenty of time.

I gently placed the doll in my bag. Looking around I realized this was probably the last time I'd be here. Odds were against the fact I would come back. I hoisted the bag onto my shoulder and headed down the hall. I kept telling myself  'It will all be okay.'  I constantly repeated it. I was terrified, I'd done more the past few days then I have my whole life.

Now I was an orphan. Going on a journey for a rare flower. It seemed so silly. But the way the Dark one spoke of it was far from silly. I entered the living room to find him staring at the clock. Over and over he softly said, "Tick, tock." He didn't take notice of me standing in the hallway. After a minute I said, "I'm ready." I expected him to be startled but he was still so calm.

There was a hint of sadness in his eyes. Quickly it faded. The one speck of him that was human faded from sight. Again all I could see was a monster. "All I can say is is in the Northern region of Oz where few dare to go. Only those with magic can enter the woods that hold this flower. Their hearts can not be completely blackened like mine or completely pure. The flower is golden and shines. It can be found in the darkest part of the forest. You must travel by foot. No one can enter the forest using magic . You must enter by foot.... You ready, dearie?" He looked at me expectantly.  I stared at him. I wasn't ready, and I didn't think I ever would. Reluctantly I said, "Yes."

"Here," he said shoving a compass into my hands. "It's enchanted the arrow will point to the forest. Follow it and you'll be there in no time." I looked at him in surprise. "I thought you said you couldn't enter using magic." He rolled his eyes. "By that I meant you can't whisk your hand to be engulfed by a cloud of magic bringing you to the place you desire." With that he whisked his hand and was gone. Way to rub it in my face. 

I walked out into the sunshine. The wind picked up pushing my hair into my face. I looked down at the silver compass. It had makings around the outside that read "This way to Oz....." It was beautifully made. I didn't take much time to marvel at it's beauty for I still had a long way to go.

I faced the path ahead with fear and excitement. My eyes swept over the landscape surrounding me. Who knew how long til I see this place again? Taking in a deep breath, I began my journey. 

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