Chapter Ten

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I felt uneasy as I walked through the crowded streets. When I was younger we'd occasionally go to a nearby town. I never liked it. The way people shoved each other, and sellers trying to get you to but their product just wasn't my thing. But sometimes when the smell of freshly baked bread filled the air, I could see past everything that made me dislike the city.

It wasn't until Jonathan and Pete faded out of eyesight I realized I didn't know where I was heading. Stopping I looked around. On my right were a few of the pirates laughing and drinking whiskey. I scowled at them. Taking in my surroundings I found there was no hint to where Captain Hook was. I was lost.

Reluctantly I headed over to the drunken men. There, on the wagon, they were shoving each other. They acted like pigs. "Excuse me," I called out to them. Several glanced my way but continued on. The men were deliberately ignoring me. Letting out a sigh of frustration, I glared at them. "Excuse me," I repeated louder. 

This time they all glanced my way. All but one turned away. "Yes, miss," he slurred. "Do you know where the captain is," I questioned. Looking me up and down he said, "In there." Slowly he pointed to a tavern. I let out a sigh. My body shivered with disgust as I watched his eyes inspect every inch of me. Quickly I turned away. 

I wanted to be away from that man as soon as possible. Reluctantly I shoved my way in through the crowd, hating every second I touched someone else. As I made my way to the tavern I heard a few men cuss as I shoved my way  to the door. Gathering a breath, I swung open the door. 

I surveyed the tavern. It wasn't anything special. It had several benches around the room and a counter with barstools. Everywhere there was drunken men trying to get a women to spend the night with them. There! In the far-off corner stood Captain Hook. To my surprise there was no ladies nearby him only part of his crew. 

Slowly I made my way over to them. Finding it hard to ignore the men and their wandering hands. After a few minutes of shoving my way through the crowd and slapping a few men I made it. "Captain-," I began. "Zelena," Hook cheerfully said. "You made it! I was beginning to think you weren't going to show. Come over here would you?" he said. With a nod I made my way next to him.

In front of us was a map of Oz. You could see indications of where all the towns where. There was even a marking for the Yellow Brick Road. "What's this," I asked. "The map of Oz," he paused. Hook pointed to a corner I hadn't noticed. Everything was dark and eery compared to the rest of the map. Everything else had color except for where his hand lay. "Right here is where we're heading. The forbidden forests. In here will find the golden flower." he finished. 

Looking up at him I asked, "Why have you called me here?" "Well...... With you living in Oz your whole life you have an advantage. You know the land better than us. What would you say is the best route," he asked. Shock coursed through my veins. He wanted to know what I thinked? I was inexperienced. I was still so young. Even though he appeared young I was sure this man was much older. I pondered on whether or not to tell him about the compass.

"I don't think a map is the best way to go about this. I think we've be heading the wrong way. Look. We've been heading NorthEast when we should have been heading NorthWest. It's a simple error and easily fixed. So far the map has lead us astray. I say we follow our instincts. I will help in anyway I can." I said. It scared me how calm I said it. I meant to say nothing. But no, instead I told him what to do.

"Okay," he said after a moment. I looked at him in shock. Okay? He's following a teenagers advice. My god he must be bonkers! Looking to the men he said, "We will continue our journey first thing tomorrow." Lowering his voice he said to the men, "Have fun tonight." He winked. The captain literally winked.

That was a sight I never thought I'd see. Hook always appeared so serious and hard headed. From the way he talked and walked you could tell he was hurting. Maybe he had had his heart broken one too many times or maybe it was something deeper. It had made his heart bitter and sour. Whatever his motive was for the flower, I'm sure that had something to do with it.

What was to this flower anyway? Why was it so desirable? Those who have been alive longer have heard of it but I'm sure most natives to Oz didn't. Breaking out of my thoughts I realized I was alone. The men were all chasing tail and the captain was out of sight. I was standing alone in a tavern full of thirsty men. 

With a sigh I pushed and shoved my way out of there. As I swung open the door I took a big breath. Fresh air. Air that didn't smell of booze but of pine. The streets were nearly deserted now except for the pirates and their wagons. A smile spread across my features as I realized I wouldn't have to fight my way through the crowd. Above the sun was disappearing into the horizon. 

The sky gradually turned to black. Humming, I skipped my way to the wagon where Jonathan was. I opened my mouth to say something but was stopped. A cloth had been placed over my mouth, and a hand over my eyes. 

Relying on sound for everything. I kicked and shoved but could not break free. Slowly the world faded into darkness.

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