Chapter Twenty-One

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Beneath my feet, the leaves crunched. There was no wind, nor sound. The only sound you could hear was the gentle crunch. Every piece of nature before me radiated. A gentle glow to each object. For this, I smiled. Cautiously, I looked back. My eyes scanning the coast line. I was here, I had made it.

For now, I stood in the heart of The Forbidden Forests. Power surged through me. Picking up my pace, I trudged onward. Determination filling every step. I felt weightless and strong. Even now the pangs of hunger were replaced with a feeling of euphoria. Bliss filled me. Ahead I saw a glimmer of light, stronger and brighter than the foliage around it.

Breaking into a sprint, I pushed forward. Excitement brewing within. Closing my eyes, I outstretched my palms. For in this moment, I was not worried of falling or pain, I was only hopeful. Slowly, I opened my eyes. Only to have found I have moved but one inch. Looking down at my legs, I could see them running. The only problem was they were not touching the ground, they were merely just hovering above. 

I laughed at the absurdity of the situation or maybe it was from being in a delusional state. For there was nothing funny about the situation only frustrating, "The flower remains," the voice bellowed out. I just rolled my eyes. What could one voice or its owner do to stop me from achieving my goal? Nothing. Nothing big anyway. Only minor setbacks like this one. 

I could feel the flower drawing me in, calling me. There was nothing I wanted more to obey it. Though at the moment this would be quite a difficult task, seeing as I was in a semi-frozen state above the ground. I was terrified to move in a way as an attempt to the ground, due to the uncertainty of how this magic works. Despite my fears, I carefully bent down. My fingers traced the ground. Picking up my foot, I brought it forward, gently placing it on the ground.

I let out a sigh as the leaves crunched. This was proving to be an easy task rather than the difficult one I had been anticipating. Carefully, I repeated the process until I was crouching on the floor. Pushing myself upwards, I stood. Eyes on the floor, I took a step.

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