Chapter Eleven

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I awoke to the sound of a floorboard creaking. It felt as though my eyes were open but all I could see was black. Slowly the events of the night before pieced together in my mind. Once again my hands were bound along with my feet. 

A small distance away, I could hear footsteps approaching. I sat against the wall, hands bound behind my back waiting. Slowly my hands grew warmer. Soon enough they were engulfed in flames. Even though my hands were free, I kept them together.

An eery silence filled the room. The only sound to be heard was the wind. A soft  hum filled the room as my captor approached. The blindfold was violently torn away from my eyes. Sunlight blinded me. Still for a few moments I couldn't see. Blinking, the world in front of me came together.

I looked around. The room was empty. A breath blew in my ear sending a shiver down my spine. "Hello Zelena," a raspy voice whispered. I gulped. I could save myself but fear held me frozen. "What's wrong? Cat got your tongue," the voice said snickering.

It was hard to decipher if my captor was a man or woman. The voice was slightly high pitched but deep at the same time. It carried both qualities. I knew one thing, whoever it was, was toying with me. "What do you want," I asked, my voice betraying me. "Tsk, tsk. What I want is something you can't give me. No, no. As long as you're alive I can't get what I desire," my captor said.

"And what is it you desire," I asked with faux confidence. "The flower to remain," was the short reply. The flower? The flower! The one everyone seems to desire? Yes! It has to be.What do they mean by "remain"? I remained silent staring straight ahead. Not daring to even glance behind me. If I wanted to live I'd have to be smart about this. 

The person behind me smelled heavily of an odor, an odor that my nose could not comprehend. If I ever was to smell it again, I'd know. I'd surely recognise it. It's one you can't forget. Something that will forever be embedded in my mind. The image of the room forever sketched in my memory. One thing was missing. 

Throughout the past of them being aware of me being awake, not once have I seen my captors face. No. Whoever it is has cleverly done so. Not a single hair has fallen into my vision, not a finger or even a cloth. This person is too aware. It acts as though it knows every move I'll make. 

This thought puzzled me. Sighing I looked to the floor. I attempted to turn. No matter how hard I try I could not. There's only one thing that could hold me this way. Magic. If their magic is stronger than mine I will not leave this place alive.

My hands were set ablaze. Cautiously I lifted them. Bringing them closer to the face of my captor. Their breath still flowing against me. My hands came into contact with the face. A scream echoed. Full of pain, anger, and surprise. But their voice was merely a whisper. I felt their magic waning. 

The wind blew against the outside of the house. Causing it to creak. This distracted me. In merely a second the flame went out. Swiftly I turned around. There looking back at me stood a woman. Her black hair was pulled back in a bun. Her face had severe burns. Her grey eyes looking at me in hatred. 

"You will pay," she hissed. Without thinking my hand went up. Slowly I closed it. The closer my fingertips got, the more she struggled. Little air was filling her lungs. Through the whole ordeal she never broke eye contact. I watched the life seep out of her eyes. I knew she was gone when they became dull.

Releasing my hand, she fell to the ground. I crept towards her body. Reaching out my hand I closed her eyes. Whisking my hand a cloud of smoke engulfed her. My captor was forever gone. Her last wish unfulfilled.Guilt and pity overwhelmed me.

With my back against the wall, I brought up my knees. I hugged them closer. Tears dripping down. The darkness was so tempting. This was definitely not the first time I gave into the darkness. I wanted to fight. It could not consume my soul. Then it dawned on me.

That's what Rumpelstiltskin meant. His voice rang in my head. Their hearts can not be completely blackened like mine or completely pure. Those were his exact words. At the time I had not put much thought into it. Now I knew why he had chosen me. I have good in me but I have darkness to. That's why he wanted me to embark on this journey.

He didn't choose me because he thought I could handle it. No, he chose me because of what lay in my heart. Not bravery, nothing of that sort. But because of the battle going on inside of me. I sat there for hours upon hours. The same thoughts racing through my head. Anger filled me.

The tears had dried long ago.The whole situation felt off. It had been to easy. She had died so quickly. I'd expect that from one who cannot use magic but a sorcerer like her? She should've been able to defeat me. I shook my head, none of this made sense. I wouldn't be able to think straight so I reluctantly let it go. Every piece of me knew I should put more thought into it. I sighed. Now I had one thing I needed to do. I needed to find Captain Hook. Slowly I got up and walked out the door. The wind blew against my face. Nipping at me. Pushing me. It wanted me to leave. 

Reaching into my pocket, I was surprised to find my compass. It was undisturbed. Carefully I pulled it out. For a few moments I stood there gazing at it's beauty. Slowly I looked up. My eyes quickly scanned the barren land. I turned my attention forward. I glanced down upon the object memorizing with way the hand was pulling. With a final look back, I walked onward.

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