Chapter One

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I stood out front gazing upon my home. There used to be such warmth and comfort. It once felt so welcoming. When her mother died the atmosphere around the cottage changed along with the people inside it. My father had resorted to drinking, while I busied myself with my magic.

I always had to take care of when and where I practiced. My father forbids it, calling me a demon child. He was fearful of me, never grasping at the fact I'd never hurt him. I pulled my orangish red locks back into a ponytail and stared ahead.

My gaze landed upon a tall tree. I focused on it. In my head I pictured the limbs of the tree reaching out. The more I focused the more they lengthened. There was a big grin on my face that only seemed to grow. Once I was pleased I turned around and headed back to the cottage.

"Zelena," my father called as I entered. His voice sounded rough and his words were slurred. "Yes, father?" At the sound of my voice, he turned. His sorrow filled eyes glared into mine. He blamed me for my mother's death. "You stupid, stupid girl. I saw you-I saw you practicing that evil." Hatred and fear filled his voice. I stared at the floor. The minutes felt like hours. He stood up and walked to me bottle raised high as he prepared to hit me.

"Please father no," I whispered. "This is for your own good," he said. I watched as he swung it down. My hands went up in defense. I felt the magic pulsate out of me. It felt good. His hands froze. I was doing this. My magic. "Let me go you, evil girl!" The hatred was obvious in his eyes and voice. "How can you hate your own daughter?" I practically yelled at him. 

"Because you're not my daughter!" he paused. "Your mother insisted we take you in after we found her. She was lolled by your beauty but I, I could see past it. I saw how wicked you were!"

I lowered my hands. That seemed to undo my magic. Before he could finish swinging I had run out the door. My drunk father stumbled out trying to follow. But he and I both knew in this state he'd never catch up. I ran until I reached the Riverbend. Cherry blossoms were scattered across the floor.

This was my favorite place in the whole world. Mother used to lie with me here under the stars. She had always cared so much about me while my father always avoided and resented me. This is the one place my father could never find me. It was Mother and my secret spot. Where we'd escape the world. We'd be in our own little bubble. Nothing could hurt us.

I took off my dirty and ripped shoes before I sat down. My feet dangled in the water as the breeze surrounded me. Oz always seemed to have the nicest weather. I often daydreamed about going to the wizard. But no one knew if he truly exists. He was a legend. Though it wasn't hard to spot his castle there was still questions of his existence. No one had ever seen him in person.

When I was younger I would stand before the yellow brick road. I never could bring myself to set foot on it. 

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