Chapter Fifteen

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I know it's ending. The trip. Everything about it is scary. Above the sky is getting darker and more clouds hang overhead. Everything is darker. Trees, dirt, even the rivers I pass. It's like the light is getting sucked out of whatever it can reach. This must mean the flower is close. 

Under my foot a twig snapped. I jumped. Partially from fear but from something else. I'm not sure what. I'm always so jumpy. This mission has done this to me. Something about this felt wrong. At any sound I jump. My body convulses from fear. 

Inside my chest, my heart drummed loudly. Pounding harder and harder, till that was all I could hear. Still I mindlessly walked forward, waiting. My body moved but my mind stayed still. Trapped on one thing. Fear. I've seen things I never believed I would. 

Fear was sewn into me. That wasn't all. Jealousy was too. Before I never desired something someone else had. No matter how bad things got, I was content, but now. Now I look at happy people on the street and I loathe them. Their smile fills me with an envy that I can hardly tame. One thought helps me fight it. Something that at first was surprising. My father. Or a man who watched me. Told me repeatedly, "No matter what you feel on the inside, Zelena, remember to always put on a good face."

At times the quote was a sad reminder, but recently I found it was a clue. A clue on how to survive. I needed to become strong. The words he would say around it hurt but it didn't. What he said made sense. If I didn't put on a good face, I'd appear weak. If this quest has taught me anything, it taught me I can't let people push me around, I need to take control of my life. 

Stopping, I looked around. Everything was mildly darker, but now I was in control. I've been wandering mindlessly since I left Jonathan and Captain Hook. Now I was taking control. My knees quivered from exhaustion and my stomach rumbed loudly. To my left the trees were rustling. There was no wind, the air was still, meaning the sound could only caused by an animal. Closing my eyes, I closed my hand. I felt power seeping out, before I felt the wood of a spear. 

Gently I stepped forward. I focused on the ground in front of me. Opening my eyes, I planned my every movement carefully. Ears alert, stalking the sound. Each step I drew closer. Peeking over the bush, I saw a bunny nibbling on a nut. Drawing my arm upwards I stared at it. In a single motion, I drove the spear into the bunny.

I cringed. The blood oozed from the wound. It's eyes were lifelessly staring ahead. Taking in a breath I grabbed it hoisting it up, I walked towards a tree. It's roots spread across the ground. It was like a clearing. Roots sprawled yards out. Several feet of space were between each one. Gently I placed the rabbit under a root. Gathering sticks I made a small fire. With some magic I was able to roast the rabbit.

As it finished, it sat before me. Overwhelmed with guilt I cut it open. The smell of meat hit my nostrils. Saliva dripped from my mouth. Closing my eyes, I ate. Within minutes there was nothing left but it's fur. My stomach churned as I buried it's fur. I walked towards the trunk.

My fingers traced it's bark. There was something soothing about it. Closing my eyes I drifted into sleep.

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