Chapter Twelve

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Days have passed since I left that woman's house. Full of unease. Something feels off. It shouldn't have been that easy for me to kill her. That woman was older and far stronger than I. How was I able to kill her with such ease? There was a nagging thought in my head telling me to go back. But I refrained. There was no choice but to push onward. Every time I'm going about it the right way something happens. I have to fight this.

With a sigh I looked down at my compass. Still pointing the same way as it did in the tavern. On my arm I felt a drop of water. Soon it turned from sprinkling to full on rain. In a matter of seconds I was drenched. It must've been a sight to see. To a stranger I'd appear odd. My clothes were full of holes and drenched, yet there I stood in the pouring rain, tongue stuck out, eyes closed. For a few more moments I held out my tongue. The drops of water soothed my parched mouth.

All I could hear was the sound of rain touching the dirt road. I smiled, it was a serene peace. There wasn't a lot of moments I had like this as I child. Over time I've learned to enjoy it. I didn't bother to find shelter, no. Instead I savored the moments. The pitter-patter of the rain relaxed me. A noise interrupted the peace. With narrowed eyes I looked back.

Approaching me was roughly ten wagons. I stood still in the middle of the road. Slowly they came to a halt, merely a few feet away. One man hopped off one a little ways back. He approached me. I could not distinguish any of his features due to the rain. "Miss," the man said. That voice was familiar. No, it can't be. But it was. I could never mistake that voice for anyone else. Standing before me was Captain Hook. I shook my head in disbelief. My eyes widened in surprise. I knew he still had not recognised me.

"Miss," he repeated, voice full of concern. "Are you alright?" he asked. "Sir," a voice called out from a nearby wagon. "Is everything alright," he called out again. The Captain nodded at the boy. "Miss," Hook said again. Finally I broke out of my trance. Still I could not form the words I wanted to say. "Hook," I whispered.  Hook appeared not to have heard me. "I'm sorry I did not catch that," he stated. 

I smiled. "It's me," I said.  Through the rain I saw his lips pull up into a smirk. "Zelena," he whispered. Without letting another moment pass he hugged me. For the next few minutes neither of us said a word. I didn't understand anything happening but I accepted it. Slowly he pulled back. "I-I thought you were dead! What happened?    Wait-I don't want to know. Are you okay," he said in one breath. I just nodded. 

There was so much joy in that moment. For the first time since my mother died I knew someone cared about me. I looked at his eyes. Through the rain it was hard to see. They appeared to have been full of light. Grabbing my hand he pulled me to the wagon he had emerged from. Stepping on I was greeted by the men. All had mistaken me for Hook. When they realised it was I, their eyes widened, and mouth hung open. 

I glanced around the room searching for Jonathan. In the back hidden by the men, he sat. "Jonathan," I half-yelled. Slowly his gaze shifted towards me. His lips were pulled into a smile, and his eyes lit up. Without wasting a second he got up and pulled me into a hug. Behind me I heard Killian chuckle. A slight blush rose to my cheeks. To my dismay Jonathan pulled back. His handsome eyes gazed into mine. Hidden in them was a message I couldn't decipher. 

He stepped closer minimizing the space between us. To my surprise he pulled me back with him. Together we sat at the back of the wagon. Nervously I glanced at his hand. Mine itched to go over and hold them. I looked at him. My eyes were drawn to his lips. They pulled into a smirk as he realised where I was staring. My cheeks turned a rosy red. Shyly I looked at the floor. 

"Uhm." I looked towards Hook questioningly. He opened his mouth to say something but closed it. I raised my eyebrow but said nothing.

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